Hiding himself again in plain sight, Chaeyoung again raised his sniper and pointed it to the men on the other side and started shooting them one by one till no man was standing anymore.

This though alarmed the guards on the other side that they started running towards the other side and checked on their mates. One took a look if the laying below him was still breathing, but after feeling that no pulse was there they got alarmed by the sudden attack.

Another guy took out his walkie-talkie about to call and alert the whole team and his boss about the silent and sudden attack, but then a bullet shot through his head alarming those with him.

They all looked around and saw no one, raising their guns up in defense as they move towards near the gate after seeing something shiny flash through their eyes.

The guards walked walked till they reached the place, one moved a small curtain on the guard house aside but saw no one or anything in it.

"Boss! They're all dead out here!" One guy exclaimed after seeing the gate opened and saw the guards Chaeyoung took down lifeless.

"What in the hell is this?" The said boss mumbled as he stands up from crouching down after checking one of his team lifeless.

But then one by one his other teams that were beside him fell down to the ground, all were shot through the head, gun shots were then heard from his other team members, he looked back saw a guy in black firing at his team till they all were dropped dead.

"Who are you?!" The leader asked raising his gun up and pointed it at Chaeyoung.

The racer didn't say anything but just threw his sniper to the side before swiftly and quickly took his battle rifle from swinging behind him and shot the guy in front of him without any words.

"You just met your greatest nightmare," He said with his voice so low and empty of any emotion.

Inside though the target got alarmed after hearing the loud gunshots that came from outside.

"What was that?!" He yelled to the ones inside his office.

"The boys might be practicing sir," One guy said that made their boss turn to him.

"Practice in the middle of the night? Are you an idiot? People would head them outside," He spat looking angry as he stood up from his swivel chair.

"But we're on a sea side sir, and this place is not that much visited by people," Another guy said that the boss had to give him a look like he was asking if he was serious or just really an idiot.

"Just check what that commotion outside is," The man ordered,  the guy quickly bowed to his boss before dashing out of the rook with four more men.

Meanwhile outside, Chaeyoung calmly walked towards the main door to the house of his target.

Once he entered he was greeted by men that just came out of the kitchen shooting at him that caught him by surprise so he hid behind the door from outside with his rifle in hand.

After calming down from the small shock he got, Chaeyoung started shooting and dropping those men dead to the ground.

He walked forward towards the kitchen in search for his target as he shoots and kills men that comes to his way.

He dodged bullets from guys before shooting them dead.

One guy tried stabbing him with a knife from behind, luckily he was two steps ahead and stabbed the guy first after swiftly crouching down and took his pocket knife from his ankle and stabbed him in the chest once he got up.

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