He thought Keith had deleted all the old pictures of Lance?

How did he still have one?

"Oh, won't you walk through

And bust in the door and take me away"

James had been having suspicions lately that Keith still harboured feelings for Lance. Every time they would kiss, Keith would make a strange expression, every time they said "I love you" Keith would be lost in thought, little things like that.

Hearing Keith sing and seeing Keith sing to a picture of Lance just confirmed what he was thinking.

"Oh, no more mistakes

Cause in your eyes, I'd like to stay


As Keith finished the song, he stood up and put the guitar down back on the stand beside the others. Keith turned to go upstairs and grab some water, only to pause when he saw James standing by the doorway.

"Hey," Keith said with a soft smile. "I didn't hear you come in."

"No, you wouldn't," James said with a shake of his head. "You were too busy singing a song to your ex-boyfriend who need I remind you, broke up with you to go and marry his secret fiancée practically breaking your heart."

Keith flinched as James snapped at him and let out a sigh. "It's not what you think I promise."

"Really? Cause to me it looks like you still have feelings for your ex, why else would you be singing a song to him, asking him to come take you away?" James asked with a glare.


"I see the little things you do Keith," James said with a sigh. "You get a strange look on your face whenever we kiss or whenever I say "I love you" and you get lost in thought."

"Have you ever considered that maybe I still get memories from when I was with Lance?" Keith asked, he could feel himself getting angry now. "I can't help it."

"You said you'd try to get over him, we made that promise together," James said which made Keith's shoulders slump. "I have yet to actually see you make that effort, it's like you're still waiting for him to come and ask you back."

Keith froze and his head fell, choosing to stare at his socked feet instead. It was then a realization hit James and he let out a scoff mixed with a laugh.

"Why didn't I see it? Of course you are," James said with a shake of his head. "And I was stupid to let it go on this long, thinking you would actually put in the effort."


"No," James said shaking his head. "I'm stopping this before I get dragged deeper into the sinking ship you're standing on. You can sink with the ship you're clinging onto, I'm not gonna sit on the lifeboat waiting for you to realize you can escape."

Keith could feel his heart breaking all over again.

'It's happening again' Keith thought as tears formed in his eyes. 'Someone else is leaving.'

Keith was brought out his racing thoughts when he heard James coming down the stairs, his bag in hand and another bag of his stuff that had started to form a collection in Keith's bedroom. James gave him one last look before he shook his head, almost as if he was debating his own thoughts.

"I'm sorry Keith," James said with a sigh. "I wish we could have made it work."

"We could have," Keith said with a soft glare. "But I'm not going to tie you down to my sinking ship, take your lifeboat and go."

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