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"What?" It came out louder than he intended. Maybe, because he gave up on the possibility a long time ago, that one day he would hear those words coming out of Cristina Yang's mouth.

"It's all my God children's fault. No, wait. I am blaming their parents. They made me babysit their wicked children as a ploy to make me want one." She goes on. She did not even see her husband's - no wait - ex-husband's face when she said, "I want to have a kid. Let's do it."


She invited Meredith, Callie, and Alex to Zurich a couple of months ago to operate on one of her trial patients. Callie brought up the idea during their virtual meeting of bringing Sofia with her. Because Arizona was attending a convention in Anaheim, and she didn't want to leave Sofia alone in New York. Alex then came up with the idea of bringing his and Mer's kids as well, so Sofia wouldn't get bored and so the kids could catch up with their Aunt Cristina.

"Guys, I think you are missing the reason I'm bringing you here. I need you to operate on my patient. This is not a Field Trip nor a Children's party." Cristina clarifies.

"I think it's a good idea. You haven't seen the kids in years. It's for two weeks only, Cristina. You'll live." Meredith states.

"We see each other through FaceTime, Mer. Isn't that enough?" Cristina asks.

"You hate this thing. I think you only answered thrice to Sofia when she tried to call you. Besides, your place is big enough for all of us. You can still hide from the kids." Callie said as Alex and Meredith snickers.

"W-wait... you're all going to stay at my house?" Cristina is getting more confused about where this conversation is headed to.

"We can book a room in a hotel, but I don't think Izzy will like the idea of abandoning our kids in a foreign country, while I go to work." Alex winks at her.

"That's why I told you not to bring your children!" she answers exasperatedly.

Callie sigh, "I guess you will have to count me out then."

"I'm sure the children would be excited. Especially Zola." Meredith states softly.

When Cristina noticed Alex's attempt to open his mouth to guilt her some more, she puts her hand on her forehead and says, "Fine. Bring the monsters with you. Stay here. But don't you dare kill my patient." She sighed in defeat but was happy that she'll see her friends again after a long time.


"Cristina, wait..." He still couldn't process why Cristina is calling him on FaceTime at 3 AM (Seattle Time) telling him she wants to have a baby. With him. "Are you feeling alright? Did you drink?" he tries to stop her from pacing, which did not work so he practically screams her name to his iPad, "Cristina!"

She stopped pacing, sat down, and finally saw Owen's confused face. She exhales and softly says, "I am so sorry Owen. I did not mean to just throw that at you. But I thought about it. Believe me when I say that I almost wanted to kill myself when it came up." She subconsciously stands up and starts pacing again. "I even screamed at Meredith for letting me babysit the children, not just once, okay? For days!" she looks back at Owen to check if he is still listening, then continues, "But I don't want to adopt. I imagine – God, I hate to use that word – there's no other man I'll ever have a kid with but you."


After years of living in Zürich, Cristina Yang's dining table is fully occupied with actual people for the first time. For a person who is always swamp with work and is mostly not home, she owns a humongous apartment. That is when you have Helen Rubenstein for a mother.

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