Once the controller was in his grip, he shifted to get comfortable and rested his gaze on the TV.

"Okay, the game is called Gang Beasts. It's another multiplayer game, and you have to be the last person standing to win." Sapnap said. He started customizing his character, while George pressed buttons in hopes of figuring out how to do the same.

After their characters were to their liking, the first round started. They chased each other around the map for a while before Sapnap's panda caught George's dinosaur. George screeched as he flailed around to get out of the death grip, but was inevitably thrown off the roof.

He slunk down in defeat, while Sapnap pumped his fist in the air with a "Yes!"

The next round ended with Sapnap's panda getting smacked off a moving truck by an overhead roadsign. This time, it was George's turn to cheer.

A few rounds later, Sapnap won the game with the score being 5 to 2. As he celebrated, George noticed a slit in his eyebrow that hadn't been there before.

"What happened to your eyebrow?"

Sapnap stopped dancing. "Huh?" He reached up to feel his eyebrow. "Oh yeah, it was part of a dare. I either had to ask a girl out or shave part of my eyebrow. You can guess which one I went with."

"But-" He continued, "-I have a tiny scar on my other eyebrow from when I crashed my bike into a tree as a kid. See?" He turned the left side of his face to George and pointed to the small scar.

"Ouch. I've never rode a bike, to be honest. My father won't even let me drive."

Sapnap scoffed. "He sounds uptight. Aren't we the same age?"


"Yeah, so we are." He leaned against the door. "I have to drive, otherwise my brother wouldn't have a way to get to school."

"Don't you only have the rest of this year and next year left? How will he get to school when you're done?"

Sapnap shrugged. "I'll keep taking him until he can drive. I don't have any other plans besides playing sports, so I'll probably work more than one job and save up for another car."

Before George had the chance to ask anything else, Sapnap turned off the PlayStation and asked him to follow him downstairs.

Sapnap's brother sat on the floor in front of the couch, doodling a character from the show he was watching. Sapnap tapped his head, and he glanced back at them.

"George and I are going to toss a football in the backyard, if you want to join."

His brother nodded and paused the show.

"Hang on, I didn't agree to this!" George protested, but Sapnap already had the football in hand and opened the front door.

"It's easy, just catch it!" He walked down the steps and tossed the ball to George.

George panicked and jumped down a few steps to catch it, but tripped and faceplanted into the grass. With an embarrased groan, he picked himself up, wincing at the sting in his face, elbows, and knees.

Sapnap laughed harder than he'd ever heard, to the point where he leaned on his knees for support. "Oh my god, are you okay?" He sputtered between wheezes.

"No, that hurt," George whined as he snatched the ball from the ground. He reeled his arm back and chucked it at Sapnap with all of his might.

"For such an awful catch, you've got one hell of an arm," Sapnap chuckled, holding the ball inches from his face.

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