Chapter 16: Run Away

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WARNING: Rape in this chapter a little after the time skip towards the end.
That night, I told Tamlin and Rhys that I'd be in the library reading. That I needed to distract my mind from everything that's been going on. They seemed to understand, as my drastic change from being a human to this would overwhelm anyone.
While they were talking with Lucien, I planned my escape. I knew that they had spies all around the courts, waiting for the valuable subjects of the high lords to no doubt surrender themselves for the greater good.
I snuck out from the library, through the window that led to the balcony. There was an ivy bush below, and it would—I hoped it would, cushion my 10 foot fall.
I had to be quiet, as I knew faery ears would hear if I made too much of a sound. And so, I swung my leg over the marble balcony, and right down I plummeted into the ivy. It didn't cushion me as much as I thought it would, I learned. Especially because there was a rock in the tangle of leaves that scraped up my foot. It hurt, but my adrenaline was high. I ignored the throbbing as I began running.
I ran straight into the wood, the thickest part that once I breached would hide me from even faery eyes. Prythian was a scary place to be in at night, Rhys and Tamlin had told me before. I attested to that, as I felt eyes on me. Not eyes of prey, but of predator. I tried to ignore the yellow eyes I saw reflecting back at me in the moonlight as I swiftly kept up my pace.
I heard a branch snap, darting my eyes to the sound. It was a beast, a wolf to be exact. It's glowing eyes had nothing but malice in them as it paused. I tried to back away slowly, but tripped on a tangle of weeds. The wolf transformed, turning into a man. No, a faery male. He had jet black hair that was cut to his shoulders, and yellow eyes just like the wolf.
"What is the high lord of the night and spring courts little thing doing in these big bad woods?" He smiled like a cat, his white teeth gleaming.
"I-I had to..." I stammered, confused as to if this male was part of the rogue soldier of Hybern's malevolent plan.
"Ah, of course you did. How noble." He lunged toward me, grabbing my wrist as he winnowed us to a place I'd never been. I could have sworn I heard a beast roar, and the high lord of the night court scream for me.
I was thrown on a dirt floor, the male that had taken me now gone. When I looked up, several sets of eyes were on me. All were males, most high and few lesser fae from the looks. They cleared a path as black leather boots, shined and polished, came up to me.
"You must be Alanna." I looked at the male, but not at his eyes. I didn't have to in order to know who it was. It was that same rogue soldier that crashed through Tamlin's window, threatening us all before. He got down on a knee, gripping my chin harshly, forcing me to meet his eyes.
"Did your high lords not teach you to look others in the eyes when you're being spoken to?" He gripped tighter. "Answer me, my little whore." I shook in fear at his words. At that word.
"Please. Please don't hurt me. You said you wouldn't if—" He slapped me across the face with a bruising intensity. I yelped, my hand going up to soothe the sting.
"I do what I want. Trust me." He stood. "Had I had to go get you myself, your fate would be far more unpleasant than what it's going to be now." I didn't want to know what he meant. I didn't want to know what plans he had for me.
He gripped me by the collar of my dress, dragging me through the dirt. My hurt leg stung as the dirt got in it. The other faery males laughed and joked as I was drug along.
"Quiet! You're scaring the poor girl." The rogue soldier joked, throwing his head back and roaring with laughter. He sat down on a large, metal throne, leaving me at his feet. He looked down at me with a smirk. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't an attractive male, with his sharp jaw and lean yet toned muscles.
"Get on all fours." He instructed, with a sharp edge behind his words. I halted, staring back at him with tears in my eyes. What was he going to do? I panicked.
"Don't make me have to repeat myself." He warned, motioning for me to do what he asked. Reluctantly, I got on my four shaky limbs. I awaited something awful, but what he did was nothing short of humiliating. He put his feet on top of me. As if I were a useless ottoman. Tears fell down onto the dirt as the laughter from the men faded into nothing. This is what I did. This is what I had to do. I just hoped that my suffering wouldn't last long, and somehow I'd luck out.
My mates faces flashes in my mind. They were undoubtedly worried out of their minds, trying to conceive a plan to get me out of the mess that I willingly put myself in.
The males legs were heavy. My back and limbs ached, struggling to stay up.
"Having a hard time, pet?" I heard him ask from above me.
"P-please. I can't..." I mumbled, my voice shaky and tired. To my relief, his legs were off of me, but I was instead yanked up on my feet. He held my hair roughly in his grasp.
"Strip." He commanded. My eyes widened. Strip?! In front of all of these males that—I couldn't. I couldn't possibly—
Before I could think anymore, a blade tore my dress right down the middle, from collar to hem. It fell off of me, exposing my thin, lacy white undergarments. Naturally, I covered my breasts, my cheeks burning red with shame.
"Dance." He instructed, but not before turning me around and slapping my backside with such force it made me stumble forwards.
"B-but there's no music." I tried to reason.
"Did I say dance to music?" He met my gaze. That was lust in his eyes. Pure, malevolent, cruel lust. He looked at me as if to say 'I dare you to refuse.'
And so, I began swaying my hips, twirling as tears ran down my cheeks. My sobs became my music, and the males around me made disgusting comments, watching my every move.
"I'll fuck her soon enough."
"We should gang her and then bash her head in."
The slurs of speech made me zone out into a world of hate, and I was made to dance until I collapsed.
The last thing I remember was being carried and dumped into a cell, laid atop a straw bed.
I didn't know how long I slept, but I didn't dream. It was an utter blackout, my body needed it.
I was waken up by someone splashing my face with cold water. I wiped it from my face with my dirty hands and looked at the individual who'd done that with a dangerous glare.
I quickly softened my look when I saw that it was the rogue soldier. What the hell was his name? I hated referring to people with things other than their name.
"Rise and shine, my pet." He tossed the end of what looked to be old soda bread into my cell, landing on the dirt floor. "Eat up, or you'll regret it later." He walked off, that cocky smirk still plastered on his stupidly attractive face.
I ripped the bread, chewing it up and swallowing it as fast as I could, trying to ignore the old taste and texture. No water, except what had been dumped on me. How thoughtful.
I laid in my cell, thinking about my mates. Thinking about them fucking me, then treating me like a queen bathing me and coddling me to sleep. I missed them...and it had only been less than a whole day. My ramblings came to a halt as the rogue soldier was back in front of my cell, unlocking it.
He strode in, his tall stature aiding him. He picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder as he walked off with me to gods knows where. I held on to his back tightly, in fear that he would throw me down harshly.
And he did throw me. Except, not onto the floor, but onto a bed. I knew from the looks of the chambers that they were his. Weapons scattered the tents walls, the bedding not as lavish as a high lords, but still quality. I scrambled, hugging me knees to my chest. I was, after all, still nude from when he'd torn my dress in half.
"This is the part where you learn how to be my pet for the rest of your miserable life." He grabbed my throat tightly, squeezing it as he lowered me down.
To my horror, he crawled in between my legs and began unbuttoning his trousers, his hard member springing out. No-no this could not be happening...this couldn't—
Without warning, he plunged himself inside of me, no arousal to lube him. The pain was unbearable, like I was being torn in half, the friction burning my walls.
"Stop! Stop! Please—" He put his fingers in my mouth, down my throat, silencing me of coherent words.
He proceeded to rape me for what felt like hours, as I laid in misery. At least when I ran from my village and those other men had used me, I was knocked out from hitting my head. This this was horrifying. And I was awake for all of it.
I didn't know why Tamlin or Rhys couldn't reach me down our mating bond, but they couldn't. It was as if a powerful spell had been placed on me, preventing it. So, I prayed. Prayed to the old gods, to the cauldron and mother like the fae, to anyone who would listen.

The Lions and the Lamb: A Tamlin x Rhysand x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now