Chapter 11: A Never Ending War

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Note: This is set after the war with Hybern, and the OC you will read about is a soldier of Hybern who survived, gathered other surviving soldiers, and wants revenge. The stance is set after ACOWAR and obviously Feyre never existed in this story and Amarantha and Hybern were defeated just by Amren, Tamlin, and everyone else. Hope that makes sense!
Rhysand carried me away to the porcelain tub filled with warm water. Tamlin, kneeling next to the bath checked the temperature before nodding to my other mate.
As soon as I was placed in, the warm water soothed my aching muscles and buffed away all of the sexual fluids from our activities.
"Look how cute you are. Like a wet puppy." Rhysand teased, causing Tamlin himself to chuckle in response. Tamlin reached for a bar of lavender scented soap, dipping it in the water. He gently held my arm, washing me with it. I was truly being pampered by my mates, and I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it.
Rhysand grabbed the other bar, starting on my feet and legs, massaging me. I moaned slightly in relief and pleasure, content at that very moment.
"Feel good?" Tamlin asked me. I nodded in response, smiling at him sweetly. He was such a good caretaker. That's all he had been doing since he found me that day...Those unpleasant memories began to play through my mind. Both the males noticed my rapid change of emotion, and Tamlin had a knowing look on his face. Rhysand looked ever so confused, as if there was something he didn't know. That was right. He didn't know all of it. Only that Tamlin found me hurt in the woods.
"When I found Alanna, she had been running from a group of men. They burned her village and—and they hurt her." Tamlin said sadly, the way he said the word hurt not needing to be explained based on the cringe that shuddered through Rhys.
"Oh Alanna...I'm so sorry." Rhysand held my hand, Tamlin already caressing my other one. Tears silently slipped down my cheeks. The lord of spring kissed them away, while the lord of night licked them off of me.
"No one is going to hurt you ever again. Do you hear me? No one would dare try now that you have not one, but two high lords as your mates." Rhysand stated, his words not faltering even once. I nodded in thanks, giving both of their hands a squeeze.
They continued to wash me until I was all clean, drying me off with a fluffy cotton towel and wrapping me up in it. This time Tamlin carried me to my room, Rhys following behind him.
As much as they wanted to just spend the day cuddling me, they explained, they had to tell me some very vital things.
After I was clothed, Tamlin led us to the study. I seated myself down in one of the chairs, a curious look on my face.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Alanna," Tamlin started. "There are things you need to know. Things you need to heed."
"We have enemies. Both of us. These enemies would like to use you against us in any way they can. You are our weakness now. Our enemies have leverage over you. Not only this, but there are high fae that take delight in torturing and killing humans." Rhysand explained sternly, but in as nice of a tone as he could muster up.
"Once people become more aware of you, word will spread. That two of the most powerful high lords have a shared mate."
"I understand...what do you need me to do?" I picked at my fingernails, trying to hide my anxiety.
"You need to stay with us, or with an escort at all times when you want to go anywhere but about a mile from the manor." Tamlin said, his tone business like. "It's too dangerous for you to be on your own, let alone as a fae, but especially as a human."
"Okay..." I agreed, unable to hide the fear in my voice. I knew why they had to do this, but it still was unnerving. I couldn't complain. I was a homebody at my core, not exactly the adventurous type.
"We're so sorry that you had to be brought into this..." Rhys sighed, petting down my hair.
"I'm not." I retorted. "Or else I'd never have met you both."
Their eyes both pricked with tears, clearly never have been loved by another in this sort of intensity.
"Oh Alanna—"
The next thing I knew, shards of glass from the breaking of a window flung in our direction, making a long, shallow cut on my face.
The males both lunged toward me, putting me behind them. A glamor was cast over me so that I was virtually invisible to whatever had just broken the window.
I saw in front of us a high fae male. His long brown hair and blue eyes were nothing compared to the evil look plastered on his face.
"High Lord of the Spring Court and the Night Court, together after the war. How touching." The male said, his voice rough.
"Who the hell are you?" Rhysand snarled, his talons out on display. Tamlin growled deeply, his own claws appearing from his knuckles.
"No one you know, although I trust we will get acquainted quite closely soon." He replied smoothly, the heels on his boots hitting the floor which each slow step.
"You're trespassing in my court. You broke in to my home. There is punishment for that."
The faery only chuckled condescendingly in response.
"In the war, you stole many things from me. Many people from me. It's only fair, that you pay up as well." His grin turned into a wretched expression. "Every high lord will give me a sacrifice of someone you love by the. You have the time span of three full moons. If you do not, you will regret it and watch your courts burn. You may summon my soldiers with this." He dug into his pocket, pulling out a blood red crystal and chucking it in front of my mates.
Just as Tamlin lunged for the faery, he vanished.
Not seconds later, there was a knock on the study door. A servant said through it:
"My lord? I have urgent messages from the Winter and Autumn Courts."
Those messages were a tad bit late, it seemed.

The Lions and the Lamb: A Tamlin x Rhysand x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now