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That night they decide to go out on their first official date. This time Wil got to take her somewhere. Brooke was surprised to find out that he owned a car, it was a small, black Toyota, but Brooke thought it suited him well. She hadn't learnt how to drive yet as she took the train to school and didn't travel anywhere else.Wilbur drove them out the city, onto the dark motorway. Today the stars shone bright in the sky, and Brooke loved it, it reminded her of Wil's eyes, dark and sparkling. Brooke was so mesmerised by the sky that she didn't realise the car had stopped until Wilbur spoke. "Let's go Brooke."

They were at Wil's favourite place, the woods. He stepped out the car first and walked around to Brooke's side. "M'lady," he said as he held out his hand. She stepped out the car while holding his hand and stood on the floor of mossy stones. Wilbur grabbed his guitar out of his trunk, then headed over to Brooke. They held hands and Wil lead her into a small path. They immediately got surrounded by two thick walls of trees. They walked for only a couple seconds before bursting into a clearing.

The soft grass floor was like a massive bed, the moon and stars above as little glowing lights. Rock benches outlined the edges, and beyond that stretched an expanse of trees as far as the eye could see. Without saying a word, Brooke ran into the middle and spun around. "Wow Wil." She gasped while she sat down. The grass was so fluffy under her. He walked over to her quietly and sat down next to her.Wil broke the silence. "Ummm last night while you were asleep last night, i kinda wrote you a song, wanna hear it?""Of course Wil!" She exclaimed.

Brooke had never heard Wilbur sing or play guitar, but the second he started, she knew he was just, amazing. His voice was so calming and soft, and the loud strumming of his guitar strings complimented it so beautifully. The lyrics were sad, and she started tearing up. She laid down on the floor, her head on Wil's knee. The music ended slowly, and Brooke whispered "Wilbur, you're amazing." He smiled at her and brushed her hair with his fingers."Brooke I don't deserve you, you deserve the world," he paused "but it feels like we were built, from the same dirt." He stopped. She looked up at him and saw he was on the verge of tears."Wilby. What's wrong?"He didn't respond, just let a single tear roll down his check and drop onto Brooke's nose. His brown, fluffy hair blocked out the moon, and for her all was dark except the stars.

He finally talked, "You know the real reason you never saw me before? Because I had never been there before that evening. I had never seen you before either. The reason I went there was... because I'd had enough. I thought I couldn't spend another hour here. I didn't care what the last thing I would see was. I just wanted it to end. The reason I bought my guitar was because I wanted to play one final song before I went. But then I saw you, and changed my mind..." he lifted his head to look at the sky."What did he just say?" Brooke thought, "No way." She couldn't decide if she didn't believe she saved him, that he was gonna leave or both.

"I- I'm so sorry Wil. You should've told me earlier.""I didn't say anything because I knew you hurt more than me.""I didn't Wil. I still hadn't done it, I was just thinking. Promise to me that if anything's wrong, you'll tell me."He held her hand and stuttered "I- I promise,"They both went quiet.

After a few minutes, Brooke broke the silence."Have you written any other songs Wil?" She asked"I've started one, I've only done around half,"

"I'm not really sure what to do with the next half of the song, I have a couple chords but no lyrics planned." He said after a pause."I'm sure you'll think of some soon Wil." Brooke assured him, "I can't wait to hear more of your music."It was already 2:30 am when they got back in the car and went back to their home. Brooke went to sleep straight away, and Wil stayed up a bit longer, practicing songs for his band. She couldn't wait for the songs to be released and performed live, they were all so good. Wilbur had told her about the other members of the band; Joe Goldsmith, the fellow guitarist and songwriter, Mark Boardman the drummer and Ash Kabosu who plays bass. He promised her that very soon he would take her to a rehearsal to meet them all.

Rainbow StationTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon