Your Sister

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Chapter 9They stood in a hug for a little more then Brooke broke the silence. "Does this mean you're my boyfriend officially now?""Yup, and now you're my beautiful girlfriend."They looked into eachothers eyes and smiled. This was the happiest they had both been in months, maybe even years."Wanna do anything today?" asked Wil."Wanna go to the arcade?" she replied."Yea that'll be epic, let's go."

They both finished their pancakes then left the flat. The arcade was around 15 minutes away, so they had time to talk around they way."So Brooke, where would you love to live when you can move?" questioned Wilbur."I'm not exactly sure, but I want to move somewhere in California, a cliffy place near the see." she said after thinking a second."I think I know a place you would love, it's called La Jolla. It's just like you just described. I went there when I was a kid and fell in love with the place." he said back to her."I hope I can move soon. Maybe we could go together.""So what other places have you travelled to then Wil?""My favorite trip of my life was to Vienna. It was magical there.

They got to the arcade. Brooke hadn't been to one since her dad left, as he used to take her all the time, and her mother didn't even talk to her. It smelled of candy and newly printed tickets, she had missed this place so much. She imagined her as a kid and her dad playing on the machines and started tearing up a little. Wilbur looked over, about to ask her what she wanted to do first when he saw her glazed over eyes."What's wrong?""Nothing, it's just that me and my dad used to come here when I was a kid." She replied while wiping her eyes with her sleeve. Wil immediately gave her a hug, then a head pat. It made Brooke feel so much better, and she pulled Wilbur over to her favourite game, dance dance revolution. She was quite bad at it, but that didn't stop her from enjoying it a lot. When they finished they both stood there panting catching their breath, they really were out of shape if an arcade game tired them out.

They spent another 1 hour at the arcade, when Brooke suggested, "I really think I should go back to my home. My sisters probably so angry and scared, it's nearly been a whole day." She sighed sadly, Wil saw she didn't want to go back.Wilbur thought for a second, then replied "This might sound weird, but you can come live with me anytime, I mean, if u don't have where to run away to.""Please let me live with you. I need to get away from there. I don't want to live another day in there. Can we go to my home now and get my stuff. Please." She stammered.Without saying another word, they left for Brooke's to-be old home. She had been wanting to get away for too long, but didn't have anywhere to go.

They got to the building. She walked in quietly, up the stairs and into the flat. She knew she had to be silent as her sister was home. She snuck into her room, grabbed her biggest bag and stuffed in everything she needed or wanted to bring. She slowly went back to the front door, but then the thing she wanted most not to happen did. She tripped on the wrinkled up front rug. She crashed into the stairwell. She knew her sister had heard, because at that second the door to Lilly's room opened. She looked at Brooke in the eyes, with her bag slung over her shoulder."WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN."Brooke could only stay silent."YOU WERE WITH YOUR LITTLE BOYFRIEND WEREN'T YOU."She could only nod."HE'S A WANKER. A COMPLETE WANKED. A FUCKING WASTE OF TIME."

Brooke looked her sister in the eyes again. Then she stood up as fast as she could, and sprinted down onto the street. Wilbur was waiting for her there, to save her from her sister again. "We need to run Wil." She shouted as she heard her sister running down the stairs after her. Wil didn't hesitate to run after her. They ran all the way across town, not stopping until they got to his apartment.

Wilbur had a hard time running. The pollution of London had given him just coughs at first, but a few months ago he learned that he had asthma, so by the time they got to his apartment he was panting really hard.

They climbed the stairs slowly and went into his apartment."Wil this is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you.""You being with me is enough payment I'll ever need. I promise."Brooke went into the bedroom and dropped her bag on the floor, she was too tired to unpack. They once again sat on the couch and watched anime.

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