Stuck In Between-Five

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I groaned in pain as I sat up in the bed. I winced in pain when I tried to touch my face.

Fuck you Dominic.

I pulled myself out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I saw a new toothbrush and some toothpaste on the counter. Turning on the shower, I brushed my teeth as I waited for the water to heat up. When I finished, I ripped off my clothes and hopped in the shower.

I grabbed the soap and washed my aching body. I washed my hair and rinsed off before getting out. Grabbing a towel, I wrapped it around body as I turned off the shower.

I walked over to the mirror and stood there.  Staring. Looking at the person I've become. I've allowed myself to be beaten and ridiculed. Torn down and disrespected. For what?

What happened to you?

I shook away my thoughts and walked out of the bathroom. Walking over to the drawers, I pulled out one of Kael's shirts and a pair of his boxers. After I put it on, I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I decided to cook breakfast to thank the boys for letting me stay with them. Opening the fridge, I pulled out some bacon, eggs, sausage and made some pancakes.

As I finished preparing the food, I heard  shuffling behind me. I turned to see Kael wearing only boxers. He was in the refrigerator getting juice. My eyes widened and I turned around before he could suspect my creepy staring.

"Goodmorning." he spoke his voice husky.

My body tensed as he stepped closer to me  placing his hand on my lower back.

"Goodmorning." I said trying not to look at him.

I stood there awkwardly for a moment before starting to fix him a plate. He walked to the other side of the counter and took a seat. I placed the plate in front of him and he shot me his signature shy smile.

"Thanks." he grabbed a fork and began eating.

I smiled shyly before walking over to the refrigerator to grab some more butter and a orange juice pitcher. As I looked up, I noticed that Kai had walked into the kitchen. He was wearing a pair of black  low hanging pajamas that showed off a V-cut.

I bit my lip as my eyes caught sight of the slightly large bulge that hung freely as he moved around. I looked up and saw that he took note of my staring because he was smirking devilishly.

"Goodmorning." he said softly as he walked past me and behind the counter.

I blushed lightly before turning to fix him a plate as well. When I finished, I sat it in front of him and he began stuffing his face.

"Thanks." he said with a mouthful of food.

I chuckled as he turned to looked at Kael who was shaking his head disapprovingly.

"What?" he said to Kael who raised an eyebrow at him.

I found myself staring at the gorgeous men that I was blessed to be in the presence of. Any woman would kill to get one of their attention let alone both.

"Rhae." Kael said my name pulling me from my thoughts causing me to blush lightly.

"Huh?" I began washing the dishes.

"Were taking you shopping today." he said getting up from his place where he was sitting and walked over to me.

"Oh you don't have to do that." I said as I finished cleaning the dishes.

"We weren't asking." Kai walked up behind me and leaned against the counter.
"Guys I don't think that's a good idea." I tensed as Kael walked towards me.

I stood there silently.

"You can't wear our clothes all the time and you're not going back to that house with that asshole." Kai said sounding slightly angry.

"Fine." I said quietly.

We stood there silently for a second before Kael started walking toward me. I froze as I eyed him curiously. He cupped my face and ran my thumb lightly over the bruise.

"Let us take care of you, Rhae." he slammed his lips against mine roughly.

Out of instinct, I immediately kissed back. I opened my mouth and welcomed his tongue to explore it freely. I ran my hands through his hair gripping it tightly between my fingers.

He began walking forward causing me to move backwards until I felt my body fall against a warm, hard surface. It was Kai.

His hands immediately cupped my breasts as his lips found their way to my neck. I moaned into Kael's mouth on account of Kai.

Kael broke the kiss and moved his attention to the opposite side of my neck. He gripped my ass tightly causing me to gasp. I threw my head back onto Kai's shoulders as they continued their lovely assault.

I couldn't help but feel that this was wrong but it felt so right. The way they were pleasing my body was amazing and so new to me. A feel of nostalgic bliss washed over me.

I moaned as Kai slid his hands underneath my shirt. The feel of his cold hands against  warm skin was amazing. At the same time, Kael slid his hands you my legs massaging my ass softly.

"Oh my God." I moaned loudly.

I felt both of them smirk against my neck. I exhaled loudly as Kai nibbled on my earlobe while Kael sucked softly on the crook of my neck.

"You're ours." Kai whispered in my ear and licked my earlobe before releasing me and walking out of the kitchen.

Kael kissed my lips again biting my bottom lip softly before pulling away from me. He winked and smirked before walking out of the kitchen.

I stood there breathlessly and in shock as I thought about what just happened. Why did I enjoy it so much and why didn't I stop them. Not that I wanted too. Kai's words danced around in my head as I walked out of the kitchen.

I'm theirs?

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