NNLY Chapter 1

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[ F L A S H B A C K ]

I was a living mess when I heard the ringing of my phone from my side. While swallowing around a lump on my throat and with blurry eyes I answered the phone call without even checking who the caller is.

"Hello?" I asked more like whispered.

"Baby." The caller huskily said. I bit my bottom lip as I recognize the voice of the caller.

I cleared my throat. "What do you want Perth?" I said sounding a little annoyed.

"Baby, comeback to me please. I'll do anything you want just please... comeback to me" He said desperately as I sensed that he was holding his sobs.

I hated the fact that I was giving in. I don't want to hear him like this because it breaks my heart but when I remembered what he did I feel so stupid, pathetic and angry at him.

"Just stop Perth. I don't w-ant you anymore. I don't l-love you anymore. Stay away from me and let me live in peace!" I told him while trying my best to hold back my tears.

"Liar!" He shouted in the other line. "Y-you didn't mean that. Y-you still love me! Y-you still want me! You said you'll never stop l-oving me! Y-you said-" He said while sobbing after every words.

I lost the battle of holding my tears and sob as I heard him breaking down from the other line.

"Just stop it Perth! Don't ever call me again because this is the last time that I'll answer it-"

"No! If I can't have you it's better if I don't live this life anymore." He said which made my world stop.

"Perth that's not a good joke." I seriously said.

"Who said I'm joking?" He said without any emotions. "I expected you to react the other way around because isn't that what you wanted?" He added then chuckle dryly which sent shivers down my spine.

"That's never what I wanted!" I firmly said. "Where are you right now?" I asked as I grab the keys to my father's car. I shouldn't be driving because I don't have a license as well as I'm underage but I don't give a single fuck about the law right now.

"Are you finally coming back to me baby?" He asked amusingly. "Too bad I already loaded the gun in my hand." He added which made me stop at my tracks as fear envelopes my whole being.

"Where are you right now Perth!? I swear to god if you do anything stupid I'll be the one to kill you tonight!" I said desperately as I hop in the drivers seat of my father's car and start the engine.

He chuckled dryly again. "Don't be angry with me love. Don't worry I'll finally fulfill your wish for me to be gone. You should be happy, isn't this what you wanted?" He said emotionless.

"Fuck Perth! Stop messing around and tell me where you are!" I shouted hoping he'll finally answer me.

"Chill baby, I'm at my apartment-" He said and I didn't let him finish as I hit the speed of the car more.

"Don't fucking do anything stupid because I'm on my way now." I said which made him chuckle dryly again. Is he high?

I ended the call and rush my way to the 3-story building which his apartment was located at the 2nd floor. When I arrived at his door step I immediately knocked desperately. He opened the door wearing nothing but his boxer short. He didn't let me say a word as he pulled me inside and hugged me tightly. I fit perfectly on his arms. It was warm.

Never Not Love You [PerthSaint] Where stories live. Discover now