Working on teamwork

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It had been a week since Y/n defeated Whitney and they started travelling travelling together. During that time they trained together to sharpen sharpen skills with their normal pokemon.

Now they are eating lunch outside in a clearing a few miles from Ecruteak city. All of their pokemon are eating on the ground except one. Y/n's Noctowl is using its Telekinesis to lift its food into a tree where it is eating away from the group.
Y/n:I don't know what is with Noctowl. Ever since a week ago he has been kind of distant.
Whitney:I think I might know.
Y/n:What is it?
Whitney:Well I notices that Noctowl has mainly stayed distant from Clefairy and do you remember the gym battle.
Y/n starts to think back to his gym battle against his crush and when Noctowl went up against Clefairy but got oneshot but a sheer cold.
Y/n:Oh I remember. He got hit a sheer cold. So his pride might be hurt.
Whitney:Exactly. I think when we get back to training we should focus on trying to the build the relationship of Noctowl and Clefairy.
Y/n:Yeah. You're right.
Just then two young boys with a hitomlee and hitomchan entered the clearing they were in.
Lee:Hey I'm Lee
Chan:And I'm Chan
Hitmon brothers:And we challenge you to a battle!
Paranormal duo:Huh?
Chan:We saw your pokemon training eariler and saw how powerful they were so we want a battle.
Y/n:Sure what about you Whitney?
Whitney:Of course.
The four trainers cleared the clearing and got ready for their battle.
Hitmon brothers:Let's go Hitomlee and Hitomchan!
Y/n:Let's go Noctowl!
Whitney:Let's go Clefairy!
The four pokemon are now out on the field ready to battle. Clefairy is trying to talk to Noctowl but he is just ignoring her. She looks like she is about to cry but doesn't as she is in a battle.
Whitney:Use charm
Chan:Thunder punch on Noctowl!
Lee:Low kick on Clefairy
Y/n:Protect Clefairy and attack both of them with air slash.
However, Noctowl isn't doing as Y/n asked and instead used feather dance on both of them as charm still lowered their attack while the thunder punch does some damage on Noctowl and low kick barely hurts Clefairy since it is very light. The two normal type trainers are confuses wh Noctowl used feather dance and not air slash but continued the battle anyways
Y/n:OK use calm mind.
Whitney:Use double slap.
Hitmon brothers:Use karate chop on Clefairy!
Once again instead of using calm mind, Noctowl use a psychic which inflicted not only their opponents but also Clefairy as they all got slammed onto the ground. Y/n doesn't know why his Noctowl would do that. Whitney is only wondering if clefairy is OK. It slowly stands up as she begins to glow before the glowing stops and she is completely healed.
Whitney:What was that?
Y/n got his pokedex out and it told them that Clefairy had learnt the move Moonlight which heals damage.
Y/n:That's great now let's finish this use Air slash!
Whitney:Use metronome!
As Clefairy is waggling her fingers Noctowl is looking at her before charging up his Air slash and firing it as the two fighting type pokemon which knocks out hitomonlee but isn't enough to take out hitomonchan. That was when Clefairy released her confusion which takes out hitomchan. The two brothers walk off and Y/n is now talking with Noctowl.
Y/n:Noctowl. Why did you not listen to my orders during battle?
Noctowl looks down disappointed in himself as Y/n pats his head.
Y/n:I know you hated how you lost against Clefairy but losing is just part of battling. And it was mostly my fault for not trying to avoid what attack they were trying to use so it isn't your fault.
Noctowl looks up to his trainers as he nestles on his shoulder as a sign of comfort. Y/n smiles as the two walk back to the campsite to see all of their pokemkn either playing with each other or training together. Clefairy is with Whitney as she is crying about the fact that Noctowl doesn't like her. That was when the johto region bird fly towards them and looked up to Clefairy. Clefairy looks up with tears in her eyes as Noctowl gets closer. The pink fairy pokemon looked at Noctowl to see what he was going to do. That was when Noctowl handed her an oran Berry. Clefairy then wiped her tears away and hold the Berry before cutting it half to give one half to Noctowl as Noctowl smiles before taking his half and the two pokemon eat together for the first time in a week. Their trainers smile at this and hope something like this doesn't happen again.

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