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Hunter walked up to the blights Mansion door and knocked on the door to see Odalia Blight opening the door.

"Well hello golden guard and welcome to my mansion,I'm sure emperor belos told you why your here." she said letting Hunter into the mansion

"Belos didn't tell my why I'm here." Hunter say's wondering why he's here and why uncle Belos sent him here .

"Oh, well your marrying my son Edric Blight." Odalia tell him as she walked to get her son and daughter's

"WHAT!!!" Hunter's yells, wondering why uncle didn't tell him this. Hunter walks to the dining room and sits down to see Alador Blight sitting down waiting for his wife and kid's.

Hunter pov
I can't believe uncle didn't tell me I'm marrying Edric Blight. Why am I marrying him in the first place. I see Rascal pop out of my hair. Why does he like sleeping in my hair. I grabbed him and started petting his feathers on his head as he tweeted happily.

Edric pov
I'm in my room getting ready to met the golden guard or my fiancee. Why am I'm marrying the guy who hurt mittens idk.Mom called me and my sister's to the dining room. I leave my room and went down stairs to the dining room to see my parents sister's and fiancee sitting at the table so I went and sat next to my sister Emira.

Three pov
As Edric sat down Odalia told hunter it's ok to take off his mask and he did.

"Well golden guard can i have your name." Odalia ask Hunter .

"Oh um my name is Hunter ." Hunter said as he pet's rascal.

"Well Hunter I can't wait to have as part of the family." Odalia says happily to Hunter.

"Mother why is Edric marrying the golden guard" asked Amity

"because he's the next emperor and he's a omega mittens."Odalia say kindly/angry.

"um pls don't call me a omega." hunter says uncomfortable.

"Oh I'm sorry Hungary i didn't know your not ok with being called a omega." Odalia says annoyed.

" anyway Hunter your going to be staying here to get to know edric before the wedding." says Alador.

" ok if you don't mind are you a omega sir?" hunter asked.

" oh, yes I am and my wife is a alpha. Why did you ask? " Alador say's 

" oh I can smell your scent sir" hunter say's worried.

"oh I see"says Alador worry as he looks at his wife.

When everyone went to bed

" I told you to use your scent blockers"Odalia say's angry.

" I did hunny" Alador say's but Odalia walks away saying.

" the I need to get you more stronger ones then" Odalia say's as she walks away.

I hope you guy's like the story 😊

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