Chapter 14

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I found them.
My secret container of razors incase I needed them.
I go to the bathroom and lock the door.
"Y/n?" My mom yells.
I slide down the wall crying. I'm sobbing and my head starts to hurt.
"I can't do this mom! I can't do this anymore!" I yell to my mom from the outside of the door.
"Y/n! Open the door!" She yells banging on the door.
She continues to bang on the door, while I just open the box.
I've missed this feeling, the feeling of a fresh razor.
I lay it on my wrist and pull.
Not too deep.
Multiple slices more and each time they got deeper
"Y/n, open the damn door!" My mom yells. She's going to end up breaking the door so I just open the door.
There is blood dripping from my elbow down
"Y/n, what the hell?!"
I cry. I fall back to the ground once again. there is now blood on my dirty dress.
I black out.
I wake up in an emergency room.
"Y/n, your awake." my mom says.
"Can I have some time, like alone to think?" I say to my mom and the nurses.
They nod and walk out of the room.
I look down at my wrist, stitches. I guess my cut was too deep.
I'm still done though.
I look around the room for a widow to escape,
Escape this hell life I'm in.
One right by the bed.
I open it up.
I look in the table and there is a notepad and pen.
"Goodbye, mom, family, I'll see you later." I write.
I place the pad back down.
I take all the wires and crap off of me and climb on the window.
The door opens up,
"Y/N!!" I hear my mom yells.
"I'm sorry mom." I say turning around to face her.
"Y/n, no, please." she says.
I lean backwards.
"Goodbye." I say fully tipping myself.
'I'm finally leaving my mark on the world.' is my last thoughts, then
I'm gone.

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