Chapter 7

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I woke up and Joeys arms were rapped tightly around me. I look at the love seat and Lexi is facing Cody. I can hear them whispering to each other.
"I love you." she say.
"I love you too." Cody says.
"Hey you little butts, I love you guys too but we need to get up and clean. the house is a disaster."
I start to shake Joey and he finally gets up.
"Hey sleepyhead." I say
"Hi beautiful." he replies
"We need to clean."
he moans a little
I sit up and run my eyes then yawn.
I get up and walk to the kitchen to get a trash bag. I see the hookah laying on the island.
"Hey guys, we forgot about the hookah." I say
"Oh yea." Cody says.
Suddenly, we hear Nash make a really big snore. we all start dying laughing.
"Oh! I have an idea!" Lexi says running to Codys room.
"Oh god." I say
she comes running back out with a marker.
"Let's draw on his face!" She says
"Alright!" We all say
"I have one!" Cody says
He takes the marker and starts drawing by his mouth. he finishes and we see a mustache. a REALLY uneven mustache.
"Classic." Lexi says
i take the marker and write on his forehead 'I'm nashty'
He then shake his head and and gets up. I sits up real quick and looks at us. I  put the cap on the marker really and put it in my back pocket.
"what are you guys doing?" He asks "why are you guys surrounding me?"
"We were trying to wake you up" Joey says
I walk away and go into the kitchen. I pick the trash bag back up and start picking up beer and pop cans.
"When we get done cleaning, we can do hookah." I say
"YES!!!" Lexi exclaims.
We get done cleaning the house and we all sit down on the couch.
"So, how about that hookah?" Lexi asks
I get up and walk to kitchen and grab the hookah.
"What flavor?" I ask
She takes us and we mess around with it for a while.
"Let's try to do some tricks." says Joey.
"Okay." I say
Lexi does the rings, Cody does the tornado thing where you blow it on a table in spin it up and it looks like an upside down tornado, Joey does the French inhale and it looks really hot. Nash walks out of the bathroom.
"Seriously guys?!?!" He says in an angry tone.
We all start cracking up laughing.
"We WERE going to draw a penis going into your mouth, but you got lucky." says Cody
"Cody! You were going to draw a penis?!" Lexi says
he starts laughing and nods.
We all start laughing even more
"Who wrote the 'I'm Nashty?" He asks
I raise my hand taking full blame.
"Seriously?" He says and starts chuckling.
He goes back to the bathroom and we can here the water running.
"At least we didn't use sharpie!" I yell to him
"Well..." says Lexi
"NUHUH!" I say loudly
She starts laughing and nods. We all start laughing again, then Nash yells at us.
"Guys! This won't come off!" He yells
"What are you using?" Joey asks
"Water and a wash cloth."
"Use a baby wipe." Cody says. "They are under the sink, my mom uses them to take off makeup before you ask."
Nash walks back into the bathroom.
About 20 minutes later he comes back with his face all clean, but where he was scrubbing so hard, it's red.
"Well, I have to go. I had fun last night. thanks for having me." Lexi says
Cody sighs then I join in, because one, I'm her ride, and two I need to go home too.
"Yea, same, I'll see you guys later. bye! Text me Joey."
"Okay!" Joey says. we grab any of the stuff we brought then go home.
"Cody is so cute." Lexi says.
"Eh, but Joey is cuter!" I say trying to pay attention to the road.
"Whatever." she says. "let's listen to music."
She leans in towards the radio and turns it up. Wildlife by Jack and Jack comes on the radio.
"Yes! This is my song!" I say.
We start rocking out and singing the song.
"So, do you want to Hang out at my house for a while?" I ask her
"Yea sure!" She says
We get to my house and I go and open the door to the house. we walk in and my house smells amazing.
I walk to the kitchen with Lexi by my side and find my mom making brownies.
"Mmm... those smell amazing!" I say
"Thanks honey. Want a sandwich?" She asks me and Lexi
"Sure." we say
"With cheese and mustard!"
"Turkey with cheese and mustard?"
"That's fine"
Mom makes the sandwiches and gives them to us. we eat and then go to my room and I have to clean it real quick. Lexi turns on my speaker and we start jamming out while I clean my room.

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