Part 9

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Harmony POV.

I woke up in Xaiver arms, last night we had a pretty good talk. I guess I was his girlfriend again which was good I guess but scary too.. I looked over to see the time, damn! It was 7:30. I was gonna be late for school. I grabbed my phone and had 3 miss calls from an unknown number. 5 miss calls and 3 texts from bell, something must have been up cause she not the type of person that will call you this many times for nothing. Then I seen a text from Maxx, a call from my grandma and a voicemail from the school, I decided to listen to that first and it was a good thing because we didn't have school for the rest of the week. I got out of bed and showered then walked to the kitchen where I saw Xaiver had cook. He must have done something wrong and was trying to butter me up. His brother came from downstairs and looked at us kinda funny.

Zach(Xaiver brother): I heard Yall last night.
*I laughed*
Harmony: I don't know what you talking about.
Zach: bullshit, it's kinda hard not to hear your loud ass
* Xaiver hit him*
Zach: What bro? It look like we gotta freak on our hands.
Xaiver: We???

*I laughed as they kept talking and called Bella*

Bell: Hello?
*She answered kinda sleepy*
Harmony: Are you still in bed?
Bell: Yes I am. Is there a problem?
Harmony: Yes, it is 9:00 in the morning. You was gonna be really late for school if we had it.
Bell: We don't got school?
*I laughed*
Harmony: You wasn't planning going was you?
Bell: Hell naw.
Harmony: Damn shame, aye be ready in a hour. We got things to take care of. Xaiver gonna drop me off because he go to school.
Bell: ugh! How about 2 hours?
Harmony: NO! Wake that ass up.

*I got off The phone and Xaiver started making out with me and feeling on me, then I gotta call*

Phone call
Harmony: Who This
Unknown: Harmony you would never guess what happened!!! I was trying to call you last night. I'm in deep bro, deep. I don't know what to do, who to talk too. He trying to kill me. You gotta hel-
*I cut her off*
Harmony: Clam down, where are you?
Unknown: I don't know!
*She started crying*
Unknown: Help me Harmony please.
Harmony: You need to tell me where your at. How are you calling me?
* Xaiver looked at me funny*
Xaiver: Babe who is that?
*I looked at him and then shhhs him*
Harmony: So your at someones house?
Unknown: Yes! Harm-
* She got cut off and I could hear her talking to someone*

A guy: What The fuck are you doing?
Unknown: Nothing! Please don't hit me.
A guy: Imma fuck you up, you little bitch.
Unknown: I didn't do anything. You gotta stop hitting me in my stomach.
A guy: You think I want you to have my child?
Unknown: You said you loved me! And you wanted to build a family with me.
A guy: I'll do anything to get in some ones panties.

{That voice sounded familiar, A little to Familiar. Was it Dashawn???}

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