Chapter 1: Wasting Away

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The lights overhead were flickering gently. From your time spent here, you knew exactly what that meant. With the low budget and century-old wiring power was stolen greedily from the rest of the facility whenever the electric chair was in use; the lightning throne, as Stu would say. As always, when those dreaded lights began to flicker, a stone of cold dread settled in your stomach and you tried to close yourself off from the world, hoping to any higher power that it wasn't Danny. And, as always, when those dreaded lights began to flicker, the two boys across the hall from you always tried to lighten the mood. It was like a sixth sense; you'd basically been living with them for three months, so it was no surprise to you that they could tell when something was wrong.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Called Stu, his voice echoing ominously throughout the empty hallway; there wasn't a single guard in sight. They were all too busy savouring the execution. "Knock knock." You suck in a breath, and let out a huff.

"Who's there?" You mumble, monotonous, and you hear Stu shuffle closer to his bars. With a quick glance up you see Billy roll his eyes and shake his head, pulling his thin blanket closer around his shoulders.

"Nobel," Stu continues, and, leaning forwards, you can see him pressing his face against the bars with one arm wrapped around them. He's grinning like the fool you know he is. Seeing how excited he was, you stomach your annoyance and continue for his sake.

"Nobel who?"

"Nobel," He repeats, and his grin cracks wider, "That's why I knocked!" And, with that, he throws his head back and lets out his goofy laugh- the joke isn't what made a smile tug at your lips, his laugh was actually the culprit, but his eyes latch onto yours and pride glitters behind them, thinking his joke was a hit.

"That was stupid," Groans Billy, and a second later he's moved towards his bars as well, looping his arms through them so that his elbows were rested on the horizontal strip of metal halfway up.

"Exactly! That's why- that's why it's so funny," Stu says between laughs, his other arm moving to poke out from between the bars too. You let a soft chuckle escape you, and once it's out and mixing with the hysteria you can't seem to stop it. As your laughter picks up you force yourself to your shaky legs and go to sit right up front so you can see them and they can see you. Your grin is wider now, your cheeks high with colour. You let your eyes fall shut and will the anxiety away, allowing this hysterical hilarity to bloom into something more real. You lean your head forwards and let it bump against the metal of the bars, Stu's laughter mixing pleasantly with your own until Billy's laughter joins it, too. With your eyes shut you hadn't noticed the cease in the flickering above your head, and none of you had the time to stifle your laughter before a guard under the name Donoho was storming into the room with a grimace. Your eyes shot open and you skittered a few steps away from the bars, Billy rapidly pulling his arms inside of his cell as well. Stu, on the other hand, still lost in the thrill of a rare bout of laughter, didn't notice his approach until he spoke.

"What the fuck's so funny?" The man snarled, his hand placed on the handle of his metal baton. That was enough of a threat as it was. Stu shot his eyes open, spotted the man, and pulled his arms into himself. "No, no," Donoho tutted, taking a sauntering step towards the poor boy, "Share. I like jokes." No one was stupid enough to believe that. Billy, who was often furiously protective of his partner in crime, met your eye and flicked his head subtly to the side. It was enough of a motion for you to understand what he was saying, and that he wanted to call out Donoho, garnering the attention instead. You quickly shook your head, and mouthed the word 'faith'. Stu was a smart guy. You both had to trust that he could get out of this situation just fine. "Well?"

"Um, it's- nothing, really. It was... it was stupid."

"Didn't sound that way to me. C'mere, kid," Donoho motioned with a flick of his hand, and when Stu didn't comply his brows furrowed and he went to unclip his baton from his belt. Despite being a seasoned murder, no one could beat Donoho with a baton in such a malnourished state. Your breath catching in your throat, Stu staggered a step forwards, just barely within arms reach. "Closer. I've got a few words for you." Stu took another two steps. In a flash, Donoho shot out his arms and caught Stu by the shirt collar, dragging him towards the bars and slamming him against them. Billy gasped and you saw his eyes darken. Again, you shook your head, pleading that he didn't say anything to get himself hurt. "The only stupid thing about you is that face of yours, buddy, so I don't want to see it again. If I do, I swear to God I'll-"

The Opposite of Innocent | A Sequel to Unexpected Roommates [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now