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We cuddle, just enjoying one another's presence. That's one job that mates have. They calm the others. Steve strokes my hair with his nose, inhaling my scent. Bucky laid his head on my shoulder. After a while, Steve broke the silence.

"C-can I kiss you, doll? It's fine if you don't want to, i-" I roll my eyes.

"Do you always stutter so much, old man?" he gapes at me, and bucky starts laughing.

"Damn, steve. You gonna let her talk to you like that?" The blonde turns bright pink. I roll my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." I smirk, getting a little more comfortable around them.

"Or what?" he just smirks back and raises an eyebrow. I roll my eyes, just to test him.

"Oh no, you didn't." I lean up in his face.

"I did. What're you going to do about it, Captain?" Bucky lets go of me, shaking his head.

"You're gonna get it now, doll," he hums. I can hear the smirk in his voice. I start to turn to look at him, but Steve grabs me and holds me in place. My heartbeat races as I flush slightly. He smirks and leans in, his face only a few inches from mine.

"Last chance, doll. Take it back and apologize." I roll my eyes again.

"Do your worst, old man." he stares at me for a second, before smirking. Damn it, why was he so sexy? He looks over my shoulder at bucky, giving him a subtle nod. Almost immediately I was trapped by Bucky, his arms around my waist, with Steve in front of me, holding my thighs. I turn slightly pink.

"You asked for this, doll," bucky hums. I whine, and both the super soldiers laugh.

"I'm not going to hurt you, doll. Do you trust me?" I stop squirming and look up at the blonde. Scanning his face, I only saw affection, worry, concern, and hope. I nod, and his face brightens. Leaning forward, he kissed me. It was different from the kiss in my cell. That kiss was full of desperation. Desperation to make me stop seeing myself as a monster. To see myself as a human, not a weapon. This kiss was gentle, full of affection and caution. I tilt my head, leaning into the kiss. I sigh in content, and I feel his soft lips smile against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer, but he falls over, pinning me to the bed on top of bucky. I squeak in surprise, making both super soldiers laugh. I pout as Steve rolls off and kisses my forehead. I roll off bucky, and I realize I'm in a super soldier sandwich. Bucky shifts to face me, propping himself up on his elbow.

"So, do I get a kiss yet, doll? Or is that something that only Steve gets?" I pretend to contemplate before I launch myself at him, making him fall back onto the bed with an oof.

" I don't know, do you?" I giggle at his surprise. He smirks and leans up to kiss me. I meet him partway, making him laugh. After a few seconds, we break apart, and I press my forehead against his. I roll off of him and tuck my head under his chin. Steve shifts over next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist, and resting his head on my shoulder. I sigh in content, enjoying the warmth of my mates as I slowly drift off to sleep.


"Please! Let me go, I didn't do anything. MOM!" I thrash against the guards that were strapping me down to the operation table, but what can a fifteen-year-old, malnourished girl do against two fully grown and armed men? She smiles at me reassuringly.

"Calm down, pumpkin. We'll make you so much stronger, you won't ever need me to help you ever again." my eyes widen in terror and disbelief. The woman who claimed to love me so much, had faked her death and was now using me for experiments? A scientist injected me with something, and everything started to burn. I scream and thrash as my DNA re-writes itself. After a few minutes, the pain fades. I pant as I glare at the scientist approaching me. He gives me a shot of high-functioning tranquilizers. They uncuff me from the table and carry me over to a chair. They cuff me into the chair and put electrodes on me. Once they finish, they shove a piece of plastic in my mouth and pull down the metal headband to rest on my temples. They step back and start the machine. I scream in agony and I feel the machine trying to destroy my mind.

when I was older (stucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now