⊱ ── {⋅. ✯Chapter 05✯ .⋅} ── ⊰

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All the characters belong to Disney. This is just for entertainment purposes.

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"Did you hear that ?!" I asked alarmed. A shrug from Boon was what I've received as a response. That was a really loud, it sure cannot be nothing. I could've sworn that I've heard Raya screaming too. I knew i should've followed these two, they bring nothing but trouble ! Can't wait to see what kind of mess they got themselves into ugh !

In front of Spine's village gate, the traces of a trap were clearly visible. They must've been dragged in some kind of a sack. Whoever took them forgot to close the door, and that gave me the opportunity to sneak in unnoticed. The view inside, no matter how many times I encountered it was, to say the least, shocking. The entire village was stone ... Memories of that day rushed through my head like an angry water current, blasting me on the stone corpses of the ones that I scarified for my selfish wishes. The innocent lives that were the cost of my betrayal. I was panting, desperately grasping for air, but the more I struggled the more foggy my vision became and I was on the edge of fainting. I wanted to scream but no sound escaped my lips. My hands were pressed against my chest in an attempt to calm my aching heart, but in vain. cold sweat traveled across my face to land on the snowy ground. I needed to get a hold of myself ! Raya needed me and she was probably in danger. With much pain I tried to stand straight but i stumbled in the process, falling face first against the ground. It was cold, my fingertips were getting frosty, my blood circulation was slowing down and I was blacking out. In a jiffy Raya's face flashed in front of my eyes, horrified by my treason, desperately screaming for help as her father turned to stone. I couldn't black out here ! I needed to save Raya and set things straight, I needed to redeem myself ! I just had to control my breathing first. Slowly I began regaining my consciousness. In a matter of a few seconds I was back to normal. Now I needed to figure out which house they were trapped in. My eyes were scanning the area hastily until they landed on a chimney with smoke coming out of it. Found you !

Through the window I could clearly see Raya and Sisu tied in ropes. A man with a big frame, probably the last survivor of this village, was threatening them. If I busted the door I could mostly knock him off and tie him somewhere, then yeet out of there with the two of them. And that's exactly what I did ! the poor man didn't stand a chance. But something unexpected happened. Something I wasn't prepared for and that caught me off guard ... The voice of one of my people made me tremble. "People of Spine, we're hunting for Raya, a fugitive from heart ! Send her out or we're coming in !" This was going to destroy all the trust I've been working on earning ... No ! This was no time to hesitate ! " Hey big man, I'm really sorry for getting a little violent with you, but i really had to save my friends ..." I said as sincerely as possible. " what's your name ?" I asked. "I go by Tong" He replied. "Okay Tong ! I'm really sorry we started on the wrong foot here, but I need your help! I'm sure you know of a back door or something ... anything so that my friends could be safe, Please ... " I pleaded. He hesitated, sighed then said " I'll guide them to safety." i was relieved. So I gathered the gems and put them in the bag hastily, then handed it to Raya. I untied them then leaned closer to her ear, snuck in a peace of paper in her hand then whispered. "Meet me at Fang I'll bring you the last gem." She looked into my eyes and i could see her hesitation, she was confused but worried. "What are going to do ?" She asked. "I'll say you are not here they will believe me. Now go !"she took a few steps towards the door then turned around to face me. Seeing the concern in her eyes, i had to fight the pressing urge to hug her ... instead I smiled warmly and added "Trust me ... " she quickly turned around and I got a glimpse of her blushing cheeks. I honestly didn't have the time to process the adorability of her body language, but my heart didn't care as is started beating into my ears like loud drums. When I passed the gates, fang's solders were undeniably surprised so i announced. " Raya is not here so is the gem ! we most likely missed her. But do not fear my people, she surely will come looking for Fang's gem, and that's when we'll seizure her ! Now let's get moving !" They looked at each other confused, hesitant and were genuinely contemplating whether to execute my orders. On solder pinned against the ground and they were all trembling in fear "I SAID LETS-GET-MOVING !" I repeated enraged. And that's how we went back to Fang.

The night was chilly, a cool breeze was blowing from my room's window as I was preparing to meet Raya in secret. If everything was going to play according to plan and Raya got to assemble the gem pieces and restored peace, I needed her sympathy to help me protect my people. I didn't want to bring it up while handing the gem, as that would make me look like a horrible person, but I was really scared of being betrayed as I deserved to be betrayed. My internal struggle was especially tough as I got closer to the meeting time. That night i prayed for the first time in a while. I pleaded the heavens for this to work. I put my hood on, took the gem that i stole a few minutes earlier from my mother's staff, and headed to the meeting place. It was a secluded area on the island, with low security, that I frequented whenever i needed space. When I got there, Raya was already waiting for me. she smiled and my heart stopped in awe. She didn't seem too alert, I wouldn't say she trusted me completely but i enjoyed the little change in attitude. I was happy my efforts in saving our relationship was bearing fruit. My happiness didn't last long ... I hesitated a bit but eventually took a few steps closer. All of a sudden, lights flashed from every direction making me stop abruptly. Solders were surrounding us, each holding a crossbow pointed at Raya. This was bad. 

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I hope this chapter was enjoyable for you guys ! let me know what you think :")

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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