Chapter Sixteen- The Cliff Edge

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It was hours later. Maybe two or three. All I know that it was swiftly becoming dark, the sky openly welcoming the incoming night.

I was hustled out of the van and onto a large yard. At the distance sat a huge warehouse, which we quickly approached.

The sight inside the warehouse surprised me. There was E.C, every man I'd interacted with in the mansion, now standing as a row in front of my brother, who I was immensely relieved to see was still alive. Danny, credit to him, was surrounded by his own men. Further away and blocked all entrances and exits, men stood. It was difficult to see whose men; Jago's or Danny's.

The men turned at my arrival as the man beside me held a gun to my chest. Jago's eyes met mine for a second, before glancing at the man, "What's going on here?"

"Just wanted to spice things up a little."

"Calvin, leave her alone."

"Why should I Jago?" Calvin beside me gestured to Danny, "You get on with your boy there, and I'll deal with this girl."

Jago's jaw clenched, "Alright, what do you want?"

"The boy for myself."

Danny, meanwhile, looked startled at the whole situation, but he hadn't yet met my eyes. Now, he looked at Calvin along with everyone else.

Finally, Jago asked, "What for?"

"He's wronged me too, the boy. You give me the boy and everything will be sorted."

"What do you mean by that?" The tone in Jago's voice heightened everyone's senses. I could tell the way the men's back straightened, biceps readied as if expecting some sort of a frenzied attack.

"It's clear to everyone how you couldn't deal with the problem yourself. So, it's up to me to fix your mess, isn't it?"

"Who the fuck gave you that idea?"

"You did."

Jago's face visibly darkened at the accusation, and his eyes were like blazing lasers, cutting everything in their path. "Let her go." The words were a chilling demand, and in spite of who they were directed to, I felt a shudder down my spine at the unveiled threat in them.

"The boy."

Breaking his silence, Danny shook his head, holding up his hands, "Fine, you got me. Just let my sister go."

"You come here first." As he took a hesitant step towards us, Calvin growled, "Closer, you fucking twat. You want to save your fucking sister or not?"

Just as Danny took another step, a shot rang out, zipping past me and hurtling into Calvin's shoulder. "Fuck!" He dropped his gun, and I was pulled away by Jonno.

"What the fuck does it matter to you?" Jago was now crouching over Calvin, even as Danny fought against Gavin and Kade. "He was my buddy, my best friend. Not yours."

Calvin, coughing violently, attempted to sit up, "You're the one who sent him to us, to work with us. Are you forgetting about his role as the middle man?"

"You brainless fucker, I sent him to get information from you. You didn't realise why your contacts suddenly started disappearing?"


"I sent him to you in infiltrate your pathetic crew, if you can even call it that."

"You motherfucker!" Calvin spat, but Jago didn't even blink. "If my crew is as pathetic as you think it is, why the need to plan a fucking grass then? Why even waste your time and your reputable fucking brain on something as trivial as my crew?"

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