Movie marathon

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Duke opens up Disney+ and searches for the movie. After a few seconds big words display across the screen saying "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl". You and Duke smile and get comfortable, ready for the movie to start. You both laugh at parts of the film and eventually it finishes.

"What was your favourite part?" Duke asks you. You clear your throat and put on the best British accent you can and say "why's the rum gone?".  You and Duke both burst out in laughter and tears form in your eyes. Once you manage to catch your breath and stop laughing, you ask Duke what his favourite part was. He takes a breath and wipes away the tears of laughter and says, in an even worse British accent, "you are without a doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of," he then makes his voice slightly deeper "but you have heard of me". You try not to laugh at his attempt at the accent but you can't hold it in any longer. Duke playfully hits you and says "stop laughing, I never said it was gonna be a good impression!" but you laugh more. Eventually you stop laughing and say "you literally cried with laughter at mine so I'm allowed to laugh at yours" and then he replies with two simple words, "fair enough". You both laugh more but your stomach starts to hurt so you start to stop.

Duke turns to you and says "so what do you wanna do now?". You shrug your shoulders and Duke rolls his eyes, which makes you both laugh. You think for a second and say "I'm getting kinda hungry now, it is almost 1pm". Duke says that he's also getting hungry so you both agree on ordering something to eat. You decide to get chic-fil-a so Duke goes on his phone to order it. While you're waiting for the food to arrive, Duke asks you what you wanna do. You respond by saying "I don't know, maybe we could just binge watch the rest of pirates of the Caribbean?" Duke agrees and puts on the next movie. The words "Pirates of the Caribbean: dead mans chest" shows up on the tv and you and Duke move closer in together to get comfortable again. He wraps his arm around you and you lean into him.

About 20 minutes into the film, there's a knock at the door. The food had arrived. Duke goes to get up to get it but you tell him to sit down and you'll go get it. You walk over to the door and collect the food. You pass Duke his and then grab yours and you both start to eat, while watching the movie.

After about 20 minutes you and Duke both finish eating so he puts his arm back around you and you move in closer to him. You rest your head on his shoulder and he rests his head in the top of your head. You feel his thumb slightly rub your arm, which give you butterflies. All you can think of is how happy you are right now and eventually you completely block out the film and think about Duke. After what feels like a few seconds, you hear Duke calling your name and you feel him slightly shaking you. Finally, you snap back into reality and all you say is "huh?". Duke let's let's out a sigh of relief and says "you was literally frozen in the spot and staring into nothing for like 20 minutes, I was so worried!". You was in shock about how long you was thinking of Duke for and then he ended up asking what you was thinking about. You smile and say "oh it was nothing" you smile more but once you realise how much you was smiling, you start to blush. Duke had a confused look on his face after he realising you're smiling  but he thinks nothing of it and goes back to watching the movie.

*1 hour and 10 minutes later*

The movie finishes and Duke yawns. "You're tired already?" You ask him. He smiles and says "yeah a bit" and laughs. You smile and say "it's literally only 3:10" and Duke shrugs his shoulders and laughs. You roll your eyes at him and then smile and hug him. He kisses you on the head and says "do you wanna watch the next one?" You think for a few seconds, trying to remember which the next one is. You eventually say "yeah okay, I always forget what this ones called". Duke smiles and looks down at his phone. He types something into Disney plus and then says "at worlds end". You say "ohh okay I remember it now" and then you say you're going to the toilet before it starts. Duke says ok and then puts the movie on so it's ready for when you come back in.

You watch the movie and then you both decided to get something to eat. You ask Duke what he wants and he says "have you ever had Jack in the Box? Apparently it's really good". You take time to think if you've ever eaten there but you realise you haven't. "I've never had that. Did you wanna get it then?" You say. Duke nods his head so you go onto postmates to order. Duke gets the grilled chicken salad with a bottle of water and you get Ultimate cheeseburger with a large coke. You also get large fries to share between you.

25 minutes pass and there's a knock at the door. Duke pauses the movie and you go and get the door. You walk back in with a bag full of foot and Duke sits up and rubs his hands while saying "it smells so good". You look through the bag and pass him his salad and water and you get your burger and coke out. You put your food to the side while you get the fries and put them in between you and Duke so you can both reach them. Duke let's the movie play again and you both start eating. "Is it good?" You ask Duke. He finishes his mouthful and then responds with "yeah it's actually really good. How's your burger? It looks amazing!". You smile and say "yeah it's so good. Have you tried the fries yet? They're really good." Duke shakes his head and picks up 2 fries. He lifts his hand in a "cheers" motion and then eats them. You watch him to see his reaction and you can tell he likes them. "They're actually so good!" He says. You agree and you both carry on eating.

Some more time passes and you've both finished your food but there's a few fries left. You both go the grab them but you realise your grabbing each others hand you both look up at each other and then Duke breaks the silence by saying "what in the Disney relationships is this" and you both start laughing.  There's only four fries left so you both just have 2 each and carry on watching the movie. As Duke takes a sip of his water, you can see him out the corner of your eye looking at your coke. You chuckle to yourself snd say "why didn't you order coke?" And he just shrugs his shoulders. You tell him he can have some of yours but he says he doesn't want any. You look at him and sarcastically say "sure," ad he asks what you mean. You say "I know you want some so don't lie." And he sighs and says "yeah I want some but I'm trying to just drink water to stay healthy." You chuckle again and say "but you are healthy. I'm not gonna force you to drink it obviously but it's not gonna hurt if you just have a sip." He rolls his eyes and says "I can do what I want, it's my body" and then says quiet. You just say "okay" and leave it at that because you don't want to get in an argument with him. You don't talk to each other for the rest of the movie and when it finally finishes you both stay quiet for a bit longer.

"Sorry about earlier, I don't know why I got so defensive." Duke says, breaking the silence. You look up at him and say "no it's alright, I should've just left it when you said you didn't want it, sorry". You lean into him and he wraps his arms around you. You instantly feel better and you can tell he's more relaxed now you've both apologised.  While still hugging you, Duke says "we only have 2 more of the movies left, do you wanna watch them now?" And you nod your head. Duke puts on the next movie, On Stranger Tides. Duke gets comfy and puts his legs up on the couch and you do the same so you can lie next to him. He puts his arm around you and you rest your arm across his stomach and rest your head on his chest. You don't pay attention to the first 5 minutes of the movie because you're just laying there appreciating Duke but eventually you start watching the movie.

About 20 minutes into the movie, you can feel Dukes breathing had got heavier. You turn your head to look at him and you realise he's sleeping. You smile at how cute he is when he sleep and you take a picture. As you're taking the picture you realise it might seem creepy but you don't care because he still looks cute. You look at it and smile some more. You carefully get up and go into his room to get a blanket to keep him warm. You find I big grey one and you pick it up. It's a lot heavier than you thought but you still carry it over to Duke and gently put it over him. He moves slightly so you take a step back and freeze and just hope he doesn't wake up. You turn off the film because you don't want to watch it without him. You pick up your phone and start scrolling through TikTok to pass time, still looking at Duke every few minutes just to see how cute he is.

More time passes and Duke finally wakes up. He looks down at the blanket and then back up at you and says "did you get this for me?" And you laugh and sarcastically say "no it came in by itself" and Duke laughs. He sits up slightly and pats the space next to him to tell you to sit closer to him. You shuffle over and he puts his arm around you and you rest your head on his shoulder. He runs his hands through your hair and across your chin and you feel yourself start to drift off to sleep. All you see is complete darkness as you close your eyes and listen to the sound of Duke softly breathing. You feel Dukes body relax under you but you're too tired to turn and see if he's fallen asleep. Eventually you fall asleep and just stay lead in a Dukes arms.

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