"OMG! You're awake!" she squealed. The others turned and their faces lit up.

"Oh dude, we all thought you duded out, dude! You guys saved the world!" said Soos. Will ran over and gave Bill a hug while Melody patted him on the back.

"I underestimated you, Ben," she smiled. At this, Dipper and Bill's faces both reddened.

"It's Bill," said Bill.

Melody frowned. "But I thought you said—"

"I legally got my name changed within the past 24 hours," said Bill. Melody looked skeptical again.

"Huh. Okay... Bill."

"Please never scare me like that again," whispered Will. "Please."

"Sure. Promise I won't," said Bill, giving an okay-sign. Will squeezed him even tighter. Bill looked like he was having trouble breathing,

Dipper smiled. "Hey Will, go easy," he said. Will's face turned pink and he loosened his grip.


"Aw, don't worry! Pine Tree's just jealous!" Bill practically tackled Dipper into a hug.

"Bill!" protested Dipper. Mabel and Waddles squealed.

"Pine Tree?" Melody raised an eyebrow.

"My nickname for him! Because he's tall and stays green in the winter!"

"Silly Bill! Dipper's not tall!" said Mabel. Dipper's face turned bright red.

"L-let's talk about something else!" he said.

"Oh, um, right dudes," said Soos a little quietly, rubbing the back of his head. Everyone frowned and Bill let Dipper go. "Well I don't wanna bum you dudes out, but isn't that bread dude still out there? Do you think he's going to come back cause you dudes kinda ruined his take-over-the-Falls plan and all?"

Dipper spoke slowly, "Well, I guess it's still possible... I'm sure he's mad about what happened and is probably looking for revenge. But then again..." at this, he smiled at Bill, "I think we can handle it."

"Yeah, we beat him, what? Five times already? I lost track. I'm pretty sure we can do it a sixth," bragged Bill. Soos pretended to wipe some sweat off his forehead.

"Okay. That makes me feel a lot better about it, dudes."

"And if he does try coming back, I'll have a glitter cannon ready!" added Mabel.

"I think that's more terrifying than anything we've done today," said Bill.

"You joker!" Mabel punched him lightly and Bill pretended to faint into Dipper's arms. Melody smiled and sighed.

"Well I don't see much reason to stand around here if... Bill's... back."

"Still alive!" Bill jumped up, startling Dipper.

"What do you all think about a movie night? I'll make popcorn," suggested Melody. Mabel and Bill's eyes lit up.

"Yes!" shouted Mabel.

"I love those! I still don't understand how they get the little people inside the box and force them to fight each other for human entertainment!" said Bill. Will looked concerned.

"Weirdo," laughed Melody.

"But isn't it past our bedtime?" Dipper pointed at the clock. It read 10:06.

"Don't worry dudes. It'll be a special treat for saving the world," said Soos. Dipper shrugged but seemed okay with it.

"Go pick out something to watch. I'll be there in a bit," Melody said. Bill saluted then yanked Dipper's arm and pulled him into the living room. Mabel, Waddles, and Will ran in right behind them.

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