"Don't worry so much Remus I don't think we'll be running into that kind of situation again after all." She explained while enjoying the feeling of his arms around her.

"Maybe your right heh...let's get you out of here." He said kissing her forehead before letting go only releasing one of her hands. He nervously bit his lip as he led her out of the hospital wing and into the main hall. She was surprised with him as he seemed to proudly walk through the halls with her.

People were shuffling around with excitement they wearing scarves and face paint. She'd almost completely forgotten about the qudditch match between Ravenclaw and Slytherin today. People were hyping themselves up as well as their respective players. Collin giggled as this sort of atmosphere always seemed to rub off on her and put her in a better mood. Hearing this Remus glanced down at her a sweet smile on his face.

"You're always so easily influenced by others moods." He teased his hand giving hers a small squeeze.

"I guess I can't help it. It makes me happy to see others happy. Besides I tend to be this way no matter what's going on." She was very much an empath which was made obvious to Remus last night. Though he really had to focus to remember he saw her tears the night he changed. To see him in so much pain and knowing she couldn't do anything for him. He hoped that she'd never have to be around him again during the full moon. She on the other hand despite hating seeing him hurt was fully willing to do what she could to make it easier.

"Will you be attending the game today?" He asked she paused for a moment to think.

"Hm I like quidditch and all but I think I'd rather sit this one out." He didn't blame her for wanting to sit back on this one he was certain she was as sore as he was.

"Understandable all of those stairs don't sound appealing in the slightest today." He chuckled with his free hand he rubbed an a achey shoulder. Collin noticed this and blushed giving a playful smile as she gently let go of his hand.

"Perhaps I'll go for a bath the warm water sounds quite lovely." She said a glint of mischief behind her eyes. Upon noticing this Remus smirked a slightly and looked away from her. His face heating up as he remembered the events from the night before last. The idea of something so intimate happening again making his chest fill with heat and tightness.

"Y-yeah of course that does sound pretty nice." He cleared his throat as his eyes looked her over. She noticed and shifted to her tippy toes then kissed his cheek. She lingered for just a moment to whisper in his ear.

"Your move Remus." He shuddered feeling her warm breath on his skin hearing her sat his name in such a way made him want more. In that moment he had to fight the urge to pick her up and run upstairs. However before he finished processing she began slipping up the stairs case. As she glided away from him she slid her hand across his chest. Her touch sent tingling a feeling over him as he followed her like sailor following the song of a siren.

As she seemed to effortlessly float up the stairs he followed but stayed behind. He couldn't help but stare as she walked every step he felt more and more urges. His imagination began to go wild at the thought of her lying beneath him and calling his name. Before long she'd silently slipped behind the door he caught up and looked around before going in himself. There she was starting the water as she turned to face him he was already so close to her.

She gasped slightly as she hardly expected him to be directly behind her. He was hesitant in cupping her cheeks he took in her beautiful face before he moved closer and pressed his lips to hers. She froze and blushed feeling his lips on hers however she soon kissed him back. This was different then the first time he was soft and gentle though they both knew it would heat up quickly. His hands moved from her cheeks and landed on her hips meanwhile one of hers rested on the side of his neck and cheek the other ran up and down his chest.

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