chapter 11 unknown cause

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no one's pov


location: "RCP LOPFA redwood city prison( local office of a police force area)

(aka jailbreak as a shorter word ._.)

kreekcraft, tanqr, and the mechanic have been missing for weeks..

sun is about to fade and fbi guarding the prisoners back to their cells..

the police station is deeply busy of the missing compeditors, the reason of the fall of the studio, the missing jet, and some other unknown cases

police officers begin to pass some papers and so many phone calls of loads of missing people and crimes

everyone is deeply busy

female police officer: "Alright ma'am, we will find your child after the proce-"

male police officer: "sir i can help with the team after the restaurant incident"

elvish police officer: "have you guys seen the files?"

slender officer: "right here-"

suddenly the door was opened by some of the officers

it was asimo, badcc, and user as a support

officers started to get out of their seats and discuss about their cases to them while they walk to their office

asimo was the sheriff of the prison cell so the officers gain attention to him first

male officer: "sheriff! the same jewelry store was having troubles with the system--"

female officer: "sir! you've missed 2 calls from other meetings- but the case of the missing rb battles-"

everyone followed them while asimo ignore their calls

when they finally arrived to their office user close the door and the officers stopped and get back to their seats

user stand close at the wall waiting for the sheriff to take calls

badcc came up to asimo in the shoulder

badcc: "i will go to my desk and work in our game and continue the search"

 (my au fact: him and badcc have two jobs, one is the police stuff and obviously they are developers)

asimo wasn't looking at him in the eye but he answered

RBBATTLES BOOK 1: S̷̯̙͇̪̯ͨ̋ͅH́҉͍̯̫A̸̗̭̖͈̜̙̺̎̾̾̃D͖͙͎̞̦̝̘͕́̚O̱̖̱ͨ̉̎̀Wͯ͆҉͉͙̤͚͍̣Where stories live. Discover now