chapter 5

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weeks later..

tofuu returned at Brookhaven and having some stressful time

tofuu is at the backyard

his friend dylan called him and invited him in his house

Dylan:"hey man.."

suddenly a random item just got tossed at the air it almost hit Dylan at the first

he saw at the shed in a very bad mood

tofuu:"come on, come on! where are you!?"

dylan:"hey joe-"

"random item tossed"


*another random item tossed*

Dylan raised his arms, grabbed the item tossed in the air


tofuu turned around holding a rench

tofuu:"oh hey.."

tofuu noticed the mess he throws

tofuu:"um.. sorry if I'm being nuts-"

dylan:"no no you aren't"

tofuu crossed his arms and lean at the door

tofuu:"...did the police found them?"

Dylan:"no.. the security camera is broken we can't find out of how they vanished mysteriously.."

tofuu:"seriously? they been missing for week.."

tofuu sigh and went silent

tofuu:"how's your kiddo?"

Dylan:"his arm has a little bit a scar but he's fine i think"

tofuu:"what about Charlie?"

Dylan went silent for a while

tofuu:"*sigh*.. i knew it"

dylan:"knew what?"

tofuu:"remember the studio a few weeks ago"

tofuu:"i saw him alone at those bricks"

tofuu:"i tried to talk to him but he's just being alone"

dylan:"maybe he has the same issues as yours?"

tofuu:"i don't know.."

back to seedang..

he is sleeping at the couch and having a nightmare of his past life

Seedang heard something falling behind him

he noticed something shiny for some reason

he was so familiar to that thing

he picked it up and

it was a knife covered of blood

Seedang almost had a heart attack and drop the knife

he saw random people he was so familiared they run away from him

Seedang:"wait! i can explain!"

he heard laughing at his back it was the shadow thing again

Seedang:"wait.. i.. i know"

???:"long time no seen... charlie.."

everything was black out Charlie has no choice but continued running

he suddenly found tofuu nealing at the water surrounding

Seedang:"joe.. wait how did you get here"

tofuu stand up and turned around in a black pitch eye

Seedang woke up but almost forgot that everything is a dream

his cat "dude" jump at the couch and
sit on his lap

okey seriously why am i talking about the crew this is rb battles here-

okey nevermind

hey guys sorry I'm dead for a while

I'm having struggles at class tho and moving to another city

weeks ago

me and my family got into a car accident(no joke tho) are car is fine tho we got home at 12pm and slept at 1am

but I'm fine tho my stomach just hurt for a sec

I'm still working at the other parts

okey bye

RBBATTLES BOOK 1: S̷̯̙͇̪̯ͨ̋ͅH́҉͍̯̫A̸̗̭̖͈̜̙̺̎̾̾̃D͖͙͎̞̦̝̘͕́̚O̱̖̱ͨ̉̎̀Wͯ͆҉͉͙̤͚͍̣Where stories live. Discover now