
97 4 19

Y/n's POV
As the truck bumped across the backroads, I held onto Mina's letter as if it were my life line. I already missed her. Not even two hours ago, we were laying outside together after her wedding with Mum and now...

I knew Mina and I knew she would end herself before anything else could. I seriously doubted she was still breathing. I thought about her fragile self and how determined she could be, but despite how headstrong she could be, Mina was very easy to snap. She had a rough childhood and, as I had found out accidentally, leaving her alone for too long was a very bad idea.

I found this about six months ago, when I was going over to my friend Apple's house for the night. Mina was left alone all night, after having an argument with Mum that day. They were arguing about how Mum was never home or always working, and I had to agrre with Mina that it wasn't fair. Well, Mum and Jeff had a work trip they were on over the weekend and with me at Apple's house, Mina was completely alone. When I got home the next day, she had drunk herself half to death. I was scared she had killed herself to be completely honest with you, but I managed to wake her and sober her up a little.

I gave her some water and held her long, red hair back, as she brought back up the alcohol again. I got her into some fluffy pyjamas, wrapped her up in my rainbow blanket and stayed next to her for the next few days. Even once Mum and Jeff were back, I didn't leave Mina alone.

I never told Mum or Jeff why I had been so clingy to Mina around that time, Mina had asked me to not tell Mum and I knew that if I told Jeff, he would tell Mum anyway, so it was our secret. Since that night, I always made sure Mina wasn't alone for more than two hours, ever. After talking with her about it, I discovered that she had a history of being abandoned after she had an opinion, causing her to be very submissive and attached. I never asked for more details, and Mina appreciated that, but every now and then, I would check up on her if I thought she hadn't been to happy. A lot of the time, she was fine and just tired, but other times, she was really hurting inside and was happy I had cared to ask her.

A few tears rolled down my face as the truck continued to trundle down the road. I was sat in the back, with four heavily-armed guards. I had one of either side of me, and two opposite me, all holding various guns and tasers. One of them across from me had some sort of needle in her hand.

"Umm, excuse me Miss, but what's that syringe for?" I frowned at her. This was the first time I had spoken since they had taken me, so eveyone looked a little shocked.

"It's just tranquiliser. If you fail to cooperate with us, I have to inject you with it, and it will send you unconscious, but I doubt I'll be needing it, you've been quite well behaved," she smiled gently.

"Would it hurt if you injected me with it?"

"No, it'll just send you to sleep for a few hours,"

"Oh, please don't use it,"

"As long as you keep behaving, I won't need to. Now it's my turn to ask a question, what's that?" she pointed to Mina's Letter.

"I'm not too sure, Mina gave it to me before you guys took me from her," I glared at her.

"We didn't have a choice, we're just doing our job,"

"Yeah, well your job can suck my dick!" I shouted, and moved toward the door of the truck, but then I felt a little scatch on my neck, and as I turned around, the guard was holding up the now- empty syringe.

"bitch..." I muttered, before collapsing on the floor and falling asleep.

HELP ME PART SIXWhere stories live. Discover now