2.) After Tests

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After the tests Aizawa gave us the results with mine already on there since I had done it a different time. I was in first but when I glanced down to the person in last place I noticed it was that broccoli headed kid Bakugo had a grudge against.

Yeah I didn't really look into it but with my quirk I could practically smell the hate radiating from the feisty blond. And his "attack" on him earlier didn't help him in any case.

But I was okay with the fact that no one actually took the time to notice I was some pro's kid. Or they just weren't paying attention. Either way I couldn't care if they know then they'd know. It was more for my sake than my dad's because it was my life that was in trouble not the hero's.

So that was why they couldn't let my quirk show too much without raising attention.

But before I left the class the blond stopped me. I raised a brow at the bold move but he glared at me.

"I don't know why you're some big shot who got lucky to even get crammed into this class. But you better not get in my way of becoming number one or else I'll beat your ass up."

Smirking I decided to fire his rage. "Yeah well at least I don't get butthurt when I see a kid go one up on some stupid test I did. Oh wait, that was you blasty."

He was about to attack me when I put a finger on his lips. The blond gave me the most confused glare he had and backed up.

"You need to chill, sure that personality of yours is hot but man you need to work on your attitude." patting the blond's shoulder I walked past him. Just stopping to turn around and face him.

"Nice meeting you Bakugo. I plan to fight you tomorrow."


Ahhh! Sorry I made some short chapters but i literally am coming up with what's on my mind so I don't forget how I want the story to go. damn rona got my head all over the place trying to come up with ideas....

And somehow I lost interest in video games I loved....LOVED! Like wtf rona now you gonna make me not love the shit i do?! Idk how it works but i fucking hate it hopefully my love for video games come back...and my taste buds....and my sense of smell... I miss being able to taste fried chicken since that's what i have been craving for the past week or two...

why am i ranting?...

shit...im so fucking confused now and idk y?


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2021 ⏰

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