Chapter One

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"So, I wasn't supposed to be here". Maya Hart said to her best friend, but only this time she was tied to her.
"Oh, Yeah like were supposed to be here ether". Cory Matthews said to them as he was tied to his wife Topanga Matthews.
"It's not our fault. It's her fault"! Chase Davenport said as he pointed to K.C.
"Oh Yeah, like I knew we were going to get in this mess". K.C. said.
"Guys, let's take a breath. My father always said you can never resolve a conflict by yelling at each other". Farkle Minkus said calmly.
"Well maybe on regular occasion, only this time were tied to each other trying to get free from Krane before he kills us"!! Adam Davenport yelled at Farkle.
"How did we get here"? Riley asked.
                    THREE SAYS EARLIER
Riley Matthews had just walked in her house, with her best friend Maya Hart. As soon as she walked in she saw her parents waiting for her.
"Guess what honey". Cory Matthews says to his daughter.
"Uh Oh, went it comes to your parents guessing is never a good thing". Maya says.
"Were spending Spring Break know Washington D.C."! Topanga Matthews says. "And let me guess it gets better"? Riley says.
"Well.... Yeah! Lucas, Farkle, and Maya are coming to". Topanga says while Cory was doing Jazz Hands to show his excitement.
"See, it gets, wait hold up. Maya says. I'm going?!"
"YEAH"! Cory and Topanga say in unison.
"Well, I'll go start packing. Wait is Auggie coming with us"? Riley says.
"Nope, he's staying at Caza de Matthews while we go". Topanga said.
"Wait, I'm going "! Maya said.

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