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"C'mon Draco, this is the only compartment left! I know if has Loo- Luna in it, but she's fine." Blaise rolled his eyes at the struggling Slytherin. 

"I won't! Wherever there are war heroes there are other ones too. Granger and Weasley and Potter. I don't want to sit there! Draco pleaded with Blaise. "I refuse to be a sob story! His parents were Death Eaters, he has the Mark, he's only back because he has no home! I am just trying to live my last year at Hogwarts normally, and that does not include sitting next to Hermione Granger!"

Blaise rolled with dark eyes. At the same time, he understood. He didn't want to be the evil Slytherin. He didn't want to be the sad boy who fought with You Know Who, he just wanted to be a Hogwarts student like everybody else.

"I know you have a little crush on Granger, but we want to start this year on the right foot don't we?" Blaise tried to joke, to lighten up the situation, but now Draco's face was turning pink.

"Fine, only because you did that speech thing. And I do not like Granger!"

"Yeah right," A girl with fair skin and dark hair smirked her red-painted lips. "You gawked at her all of the third year, then went to heaven during the Yule Ball when she did her big presto reveal thingy." Pansy pointed out, looking better than she had in the recent months after the war. "I think you definitely have something going on for The Brightest Witch of The Age." She winked, definitely enjoying Draco's mouth opening and closing. "So I hear we're going to the golden trio's compartment?"

"Yes, we heading that way right now, but where's Theo?" Blaise said, searching for the tall, wiry boy.

"Right here. I got held up by some cute 6th years." Theo grinned, already pleased with himself. "This year is going great! So, which compartment are we going to?"

"That one," Draco murmured darkly staring at the door with all the Gryffindors in it as if it were possessed. Blaise marched to the door, talked to Lovegood, came back out, and proclaimed himself. 


"She said we could sit there!" The others cheered, walked in, and sat down. Smily warmly at Luna. The only one who wasn't happy was Draco. 

"What are we, the circus?" He muttered to himself before stalking in. Shortly after, Hermione walked in. She was shocked at first, then regained control.

"Malfoy? Parkinson? Zabini? Nott? What are you doing here? Not to be rude or anything."

"I invited them to sit here Hermione. After all, I got this compartment by myself." Luna said, in her dreamy voice. She sat with one leg crossed over the other, wearing her Ravenclaw robes. Speaking of robes, Blaise checked the time. Only ten minutes until Hogwarts! 

"Gotta go! Need to change!" And with that, Blaise ran out of the room, with his bag in one hand, and wand in the other. Luna watched him leave. 

"He's rather interesting isn't he?" She asked. The others nodded in disbelief that Loony Lovegood thought that someone was strange. 

This might just be a normal year.

Blaise hoped

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