Assembling a fleet.

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In a galaxy far far away. On an imperial scrapper planet. The grave yard of Republic era ships.

Jess. We've been here for weeks . How much longer till we finally have our fleet.

Jessica looked at her wrist com. Pushing a few buttons on it. Soon enough the entire scrap yard started to shake. 13 ships started up out of the rubble. 7 Venator class star destroyers and 5 munificent class frigates and one Lucrehulk battle ship were soon rising into the upper atmosphere.

Does that Answer your question? Jess smirked.

Yeah I suppose it does. Raine confirmed.

So... Wanna go cause chaos? Jessica asked

Hell yeah. Which ship are we taking? Raine asked.

I'm thinking the Lucrehulk . It should make a good command ship. Jessica answered.

Okay. Let's get on the ship before the supervisor notices we are missing.

Agreed. She pushed a few buttons on her wrist com. And the Lucrehulk lowered itself into a landing position. They boarded the ship and soon they were flying beyond the stars.


Yes. Yes. I repeat. Several repaired clone wars ships just came up out of the rubble and left the planet Lord Vader.

Who was piloting them? Vader demanded.

Two of the people we had paid to tear them apart. They said they fought in the clone wars.

Only clones and Jedi fought in the clone wars you idiot. You let a Jedi get away.

I I.. I'm sorry lord Vader it was my fault.

I'll deal with you later. I have two traitors that now have a small fleet. Lord Vader hissed.

The call ended abruptly.

Jess was in the engine room of the Lucrehulk. While Raine was on the command deck. The droids had been reactivated. And were now Manning the many stations that were on the frigate. The central hologram projector was on and had a live feed to the engine room.

Sooooo.... When do you think they'll notice the ships are missing Jessica inquired.

I'm gonna say right about now. Rain speculated.

Why's that?

Cuz Vader's personal star destroyer just came out of hyperspace Infront of us. Raine explained.

The Executor? Jess questioned


Okay. I'm releasing the vulture droids. And a few swarms of buzz droids. Said Raine

Good call.

I watched as the battle ensued. Dozens of tie fighters flew out of the Executor. But the Lucrehulk held a lot more fighters. We lost a lot of fighters. But the Executor was out of ties and we still had plenty of Vulture droids.

Do you think the battle is over? Jessica said. Still in the engine room.

I really don't know. I think it is. But I don't know if we can last a few more rounds.

I walked to the front of the command center. Watching as a heavily modified tie fighter exited the lower hanger of the Star destroyer.

Rain.. talked to me.. what's going on. Why did you go so quite.

I I... I feel.. cold.. the hate.. the pain.. the anger I haven't felt a presence like this since Anakin stormed the temple during order 66.

Anakin Skywalker? The war criminal!? Jessica exclaimed

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