Derek Morgan

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request: Derek x boyfriend who has pink hair who is an artist and he meets the team in a middle of case at an art store

pink haired! Male reader x Derek Morgan

The bau had gotten a new case. A serial killer with various victims who had nothing in common except one thing.

They were all artists.

As soon as they found this out it wasn't hard for Penelope to find the other connection between the victims: they all went to the same shop to buy art supplies. That shop also happened to be your favorite art shop and since they had no other leads to go on they all went there together.

While your boyfriend was at work you had found out you had run out of white paint. So you took a little trip to your favorite shop. You said hi to the owner and went to look for white paint. Of course, there were many things other than paint that caught your eye. Your eyes lingered over all the different materials as ideas started to flood in your head. While you were looking at the materials a group of people had entered the shop and started asking questions to the owner.

Suddenly a guy came up to you, he had dark blondish curly hair and looked pretty skinny. Of course, you recognized him from Derek's photos, Spencer Reid. "I'm dr. Reid, I'm from the FBI" he spoke while showing his badge. "I'm going to show you some photos, you could tell me if you recognize any of the people."

Suddenly someone called "Pretty boy, where are you?" You recognized your boyfriend's voice immediately. "I'm talking to a pink-haired potential witness in the paint department" Spencer answered. You heard people's footsteps getting closer as a smile grew on your face. As your boyfriend turned the corner a surprised look came on his face.

"Y/N!" The other members looked in confusion as Derek went to hug you. He even gave you a small kiss on the lips and you wished you had your camera with you to capture the looks on his friends' faces. "Guys, meet my boyfriend y/n" Derek spoke. The first one to say something was Penelope who was on the phone with Hotch "Wait, you have a boyfriend?! And you didn't tell me?!! I wanna meet him, now."

"Sorry, babygirl but I wanted to keep him to myself, who knows maybe he'll meet you and he falls head over heels for you?" You laughed and nudged your boyfriend's arm. "I'm sure that's what will happen. Also, hi Penelope, it's nice to finally meet you!" You waved at the other team members "Nice to meet you guys, Derek's told a lot about you" "Not all too bad things I hope" an Italian man said as he shook your hand "I'm Rossi." The others all said their names and gave a nod, a handshake, or even a small hug.

Derek explained you were an artist and had been dating for a while. You were chatting with JJ, Spencer, and Emily about your art as Hotch had to interrupt "We are still in a case here guys, let y/n finish his business now, we can get to know him later."

You said your goodbyes and went to buy your paint but not before giving some hair dye advice to Emily and another kiss to Derek. "I can't promise to come home tonight because of the case" your boyfriend grimaced. You smiled at him "I will wait for you, and in the meantime, I'll just have to devote all my love to my paintings." Derek laughed "When I came home you can paint me like one of your French girls" he winked. "See you later my cotton candy" he gave you one last kiss and went back to his team.

Male reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now