punches and showers (peter hayes)

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Peter Hayes (divergent) x Male reader

tw: kissing? implied smut? idk

Your morning routine was always the same: training, showering, breakfast. Thus like every other day you were working on your moves and strength, usually, you were alone because you had your private training room but today you were less lucky. The moment he came into the room he made a snarky comment, you decided to ignore him and hit the punching bag harder. You maintained this way but after another three comments you gave up. Peter was now standing next to you smirking "Finally a reaction" he teased. "Can you let me concentrate for a minute pretty boy?" you 'kindly' asked. "What's the fun in that?" You knew Peter and you knew he wasn't gonna leave until he had you so irritated you could kill him. Little did he know you didn't really hate him, there was something between you. Call it chemistry, call it a weird attraction, there was something. He made another snarky comment, this time you couldn't ignore him anymore. "Hayes, do I gotta make you shut up?" looking him straight in the eyes. You could tell that he was slightly intimidated but he still answered "Make me" he smirked. That was it, the final drop. You snapped forward and crashed your lips into his. The kiss was very heated and fast, you separated. "I got you to shut up" now it was your turn to smirk. You walked away towards the showers "Gonna join me?" you blinked.


It's very short ik but I'm trying to finish all my wips, so yeah...

Male reader OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang