Attention (requested) (Lerrie)

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Context: you're Leigh-Anne and Perrie's only child. The last couple weeks your mums haven't payed much attention to you, since everything has been so stressful for them, the upcoming tour, rehearsals and the interviews. But you didn't understand that, you just wanted to get their attention.

Age: 5/6



You watched your moms and your auntie working from the doorway, they were trying to write a new song but it wasn't working out, so they were all very irritated.

"Mummy? Can you do my hair?" You ask as you walk into the music room with your hairbrush and a hair tie.

"Not now." Leigh-Anne said and continues to write something in her notebook.

"Oh uhm, you then mama?" You ask and turn to Perrie.

"Y/n, we're busy, go play or something." Perrie says, clearly annoyed. Tears started gathering in the corners of your eyes at the tone of your mother's voice.

You didn't understand why they couldn't do things for you anymore. They are your mums, they're supposed to do things for you, right?


"Y/n! Out now!" Perrie yelled and looked up at you, seeing the tears in your eyes and the frightened look on your face.

"I-I'm sorry." You mumble and run out of the room, upstairs and into your mums room. Cuddling up close with Leigh-Anne's pillow.

Jade looked at the couple while Perrie and Leigh-Anne looked at each other before following you and seeing you crying in their bed.

"Jade could you go in?" Perrie asks, thinking that you'd be a little scared of her and Leigh.

Jade opened the door and closed it halfway before climbing on the bed behind you. She played with your hair until you were ready to turn around. When you did she sadly smiled at the tear stains on your face.

"What's wrong?" Jade asks and wipes the tears away.

"I-I just want t-to spend t-time with them." You say between hiccups. "T-They don't love me a-anymore." You say and start crying again.

"Don't say that, of course they still love you, they're just stressed out because of the new album coming and all of the rehearsals." Jade reassures and smiles as you put your head on her chest and your arms around her neck.

"T-They have to leave again?" You ask and sit up. "No, no. I-I don't want them to." You say and tears start falling again.

"Hey, Ssh. It's okay, you're coming with us this time, I promise." Jade says and sits up with you. "I'll go get them, okay?"

"No, they hate me." You say and look down.

"They don't hate you, who could ever hate this cute little face." Jade smiles and pokes your cheeks, making you giggle.

"Hey baba." Perrie says as Leigh and her walk into the room. You weren't convinced by Jade's words so you looked down and silently started to cry again. Meanwhile Jade walked back to the music room to give you all some privacy.

"No need for tears baby, it's alright." Leigh-Anne smiles softly and rubs your back.

"We love you so so so much baby, we couldn't love anyone else in the world as much as we love you." Perrie says and kisses your temple a couple times. "We promise to never act like that again, okay baba?" She questions and looks down at you.

"Okay." You say quietly and wrap your small arms around Perrie's neck.

Perrie and Leigh-Anne smile at each other and peck each other's lips.

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