News from the Hospital

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The image is what you are currently wearing.The rest is up to you. (Please ignore the watermark.)


A schoolboy with pale blue hair and dull red bandages wrapped around his arm and palm, and a boy with purple hair and glasses were talking to you. Well, it was more like they were talking at you. You were fed up with them. You pretended to be nervous, and ran off to the cafeteria where everyone was eating lunch. You walked aimlessly past a small group of kids and noticed an armed man in what seemed to be a guard uniform. He had a handgun on his side and looked like he was protecting the boy that sat near the pink haired boy you met in the alley. He looked up from his food, and straight at you. You took the time to memorize his features. You promptly found yourself gazing at his eyes. You weren't one for cliches, but you had always envied blue eyes. You had E/C eyes. You snapped out of it only when he was directly in front of you. He eagerly grasped your hands.

"Y/N, my love, You are gorgeous beyond compare. Marry me."

You blinked stupidly. He continued regardless.

"I will give you everything you ever could have wanted. I could bring down entire companies. You could have all the money in the world. Just say yes."

That was an obvious no- hold on...

"Can you..."

You lean over to him and whisper in his ear. He smiles.

"Only if you say yes!"

You clench your fists. You had to. There was no other way you could afford it.

"I would rather we start by dating first."

"Very well. I suppose that's alright."

"Will you still-"

"Anything for you my love!"

You instantly felt as if you were Atlas, and the weight of the sky had been lifted from you.The boy wiped something from your face. It was a tear.

"Don't cry! You should be thrilled! You're courting me!"

"Dating! We're dating you dummy!"

You reluctantly forced a blush and softly punched his arm. You were disgusted, but it was the only way. You couldn't let her die. Not after all that happened.


"- and of course I sent him to Guatemala because of that! I have nothing against Guatemalans; I just didn't want to see his ugly mug again."

You smiled and nodded. You had been dating Saiko for two weeks now and had gotten used to acting the way he wanted. Your phone rang. You checked the caller ID. It was the local hospital.

"Just a moment babe. I need to take this."

Saiko stood there while you walked back a few steps. You answered.


"Good afternoon is this Y/N L/N?"

"Yes, it is."

"We are calling to inform you that Miss.Clara L/N is now nearly in full recovery. The surgery was successful, and the child is completely fine."

"...Thank you... ...Goodbye."


You had hung up before they had a chance to finish.

"Y/N, my love? What's wrong?"

You looked up, you were crying.

"Well... Do you recall the first thing I asked of you?"

He thought for a moment.

"You asked me to pay for your mother's surgery, right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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