chapter- six

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JJ's pov:

I looked at her smile when she read the last part of that note her smile made me smile she's so beautiful and I feel so weird around her in a good way? I think I'm catching feelings for her oh god I don't want to hurt her..."JJ!" I was snapped from my thoughts by her voice"what mate"she giggled at me before pointing outside"look how pretty this area is" she commented I looked around but soon my attention was drawn back to her"not as beautiful as you..."I whispered she didn't hear me which was fine I looked down and we were still holding hands it made me smirk a little her hands were warm and soft the car stopped and we all got out Simon reading the next envelope"you must be confused at the place you are it looks like a wreck it just may be the best"we all looked up at the building in front of us it looked terrible but I guess the inside could be better y/n the brave one took the first steps in
"Y/n please be careful it's looks concerning"I followed slowly behind her she went in it was nice like an arcade almost her face grew bright and excited we all jumped around "look at all this cool stuff guys!"she ran off"y/n wait!"I laughed following her
Josh smiled"so you'll be staying her for awhile playing games drinking and eating it's two stories you guys get to have all sorts of fun"y/n jumped on josh and hugged him"thank you!!"she leaped away and not knowing what she wanted to do first we played skeeball we did basket ball we ate shit tons of food we had the best time but at one moment y/n and I were alone I looked at her she looked back at me her eyes just so beautiful"y/n.."she hummed in response I didn't speak I leaned in kissing her she was hesitant but kissed back her lips were soft and gentle to kiss I melted against her we leaned in closer I never wanted this moment to end

Sorry for such a short chapter I promise I'll be making quick updates within this week

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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