"Sister, look, the sky is getting bluer again." At the end of summer, he pointed excitedly to the bright sky. "Sister, is the sky exactly the same as described in the book now?"

"It's still a little short." Lin Ling said, "When we plant trees everywhere, the sky will become bluer, just like the blue dye is smearing strangely."

At the end of summer, listening to Lin Ling's description, I yearned more and more to see such a blue sky, "Then I'll plant trees now."

"What's the hurry now? Come and help me wash the yard first." Lin Ling took a broom and began to clean the yard. The rain washed down the dirt and gathered all in the yard. The yard is now piled up with thick layers of black dust, which shows that the dust used to be covered with dust.

After cleaning the yard, Lin Ling's mood became more beautiful.

Not only was she in a beautiful mood, but also the people living outside the wall were in a very beautiful mood. "It's raining, and I finally don't have to carry water to water the ground."

"It's raining, and all the dishes I grow are finally alive."

"It's raining. These lands have become easier to dig, which really helped us solve the big trouble."

In addition to the villagers talking about it, it is also talking about it in the forum.

People who pioneered wasteland in the west, east and north asked one after another, "It rained in the south?"

"Why does it rain in the south?"

"Is it done in the safety zone?"

"Why is the safety zone eccentric? Why didn't you help us rain?"

"Did the rain in the south of us last night in the safe area? Why don't we know?"

"Will the safety zone help everyone rain? And such a good thing?"

Everyone hopes to rain, and everyone has a lot of questions, so in the end, the forum administrator, the clerk of the safety zone, came out to refute the rumor: "After careful investigation in our safety zone, the rainfall in the southern area belongs to natural rain, and there are no external power factors. All of this belongs to every farmer in the southern district."

Not long after, everyone who received the mobile phone distributed in the safe zone received a statistic on the cultivated area in the southern area, which was the latest report.

This report records in detail how many tens of millions of mu of wasteland there are in the southern district in five years, and how many tens of thousands of mu of shade there are now.

Maybe it can be carried out separately. Each person who gets the land only grows only tens of thousands of mu or hundreds of thousands of mu of vegetation, but what about adding crops? What about thousands of other people who get the land?

The report also comes with several aerial photos. The shade is shown in the photos. Each shade is separated by some dark yellow areas. This is an obvious isolation area left by the two landowners tacitly. It is clear and looks vibrant.

Among them, there is also a comparison map of the sky. One is the southern district in the past and the other is the southern district now. The southern district in the past is as gray as other places, and the sky in the southern district is slowly becoming blue now.

At the same time, with a comparison map of several other regions, the degree of gray sky is slowly decreasing. Although it is not as good as that of the southern region, it is getting better at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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