grey eyes

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no force no pressure

my eyes are a vessel for lies and my nails scratch devious heists

i cant take myself seriously when faced with death

my uncle used to beat my sister blue and i knew that i would be next but that didn't scare me

pain for women -indian women, is inevitable

kohl infused iris my senses are blinded

i walk into doors, windows and occasionally stumble into the pants of 40 yr old men

grey chinos and white collars, my youth is unavoidably millennial

there's excitement in the forbidden garden

everything is different and he is so new

so so new

i bet his wife hates me

we play games

i think it makes him feel young

he tells me to close my eyes and i do

he tells me to smile and i do

he tells me open wide and i do

his hair isnt receding and his eyes are wrinkle free

grey eyes

that was his code name

grey eyes was tall, thin lipped and build like a grandfather clock

his tongue spoke in a mellifluous language

words and sayings i pretended to understand

my penny chin agrees with 'cultured' white men

he lived in thailand you know

he liked when i spoke tamil

he thought it was exotic

he heard clicks and r's and found it tantalizing

i heard my amas screams

one day he realised i wasn't enough

there were other girls with oiler hair and softer hands then me

i mourned him

i drowned in his embrace and he floated in mine 

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