Easy Yoga poses for beginners to build flexibility, strength.

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Yoga has been continuously gaining popularity as more people are becoming aware of its benefits and. It has been rising to fame since Yoga Practices are becoming a part of people's lifestyle now. More and more people are enrolling themselves in Yoga retreats and Alliances and on virtual mode Yoga schools. It is as if more and more people are developing conscience and concern for their physical and mental health, which, in turn, is resulting them realizing the importance of Yoga.

If you are looking for easy Yoga poses to kick start your new Yoga workout regime, then this is the correct blog for you to dive in. Being a newbie in Yoga can be pretty intimidating for beginners, especially when you have zero experience of Yoga poses. However, from postures to breathing movements and proper placement of hands (mudras), Yoga has covered it all. It is astonishing how something that looks so simple can significantly impact your life and body.

Yoga Poses for beginners.

Let us now get to know some of the easy Yoga Workouts for Beginners:

Seating Pose: If you are a beginner to Yoga, you will love this pose cause its absolute majority requires you to sit down with some proper easy instructions. This targets your back and abdominal muscles while stretching your hips and groins. This pose requires you to sit down cross-legged on the floor with your hands resting on your knees and breathe in and out while your eyes remain shut.

Child's Pose: This pose focuses on your hips, back, and arms while having a soothing effect on your nervous system. This will require you to sit with your knees folded. You are required to outstretch your hands in front of you with your head bending down.

Tree Pose: This pose works excellent for increasing a sense of balance and stability. It focuses on muscles around the hips and legs. This pose requires you to stand straight on the ground, then slowly lift your one leg and fold it in such a way that the foot touches your inner thighs. Your hand shall remain to join while you try balancing this pose. Practice this with your opposite foot as well. This pose will help you acquire stability and concentration.

Downward Dog: This pose targets your legs, spine, glutes, and feet. People perform this Yoga for strength as it helps in strengthening your shoulders, arms, and abdominal muscles. This pose requires you to stand on all your four arms such that both your palms and feet remain glued to the floor. In addition, your Hips must point upwards, and your head must point downwards, and your hands outstretched in front of you.

Warrior Two Pose: This pose works for balance too. This pose can be challenging, but it tests your mental health too. It focuses mainly on your thighs and core and helps in stretching your knees and shoulders. This pose requires you to stand with your front foot placed forward than the other foot and bend on your leg's knees. Your upper body must be fixed in a direction facing forward towards the direction of your first foot, and your hands outstretched outwards such that they align in one straight line with your front hand facing forward while your other hand is facing backward. Repeat this process with the other leg and try keeping equal weight on both legs.

Seated Forward Bend Pose: This pose focuses on your hamstrings, spine, and shoulder muscles. This pose requires you to sit down on the floor with your legs stretched in front of you. Try to stretch your hands slowly such that you touch your toes and hold that posture. People love this Yoga for flexibility and stability as it stretches your arms and targets your core.

Low Lunge Pose: This pose targets your chest muscles, shoulders, and hamstrings. This pose requires you to bend one leg forward while the other remains stretched behind. Then slowly, try sitting on your outstretched behind leg with your hands joined together and raised above your head and head pointing upwards.

Some of the best Yoga for beginners mentioned above are beginner-friendly and easy to carry out. All the poses mentioned above have been done according to level one easy Yoga poses that a beginner must pick before going into other complicated ones.

 All the poses mentioned above have been done according to level one easy Yoga poses that a beginner must pick before going into other complicated ones

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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Easy Yoga poses for beginners to build flexibility, strength.Where stories live. Discover now