They quickly surrounded her. But she too was quick and she extinguished Lumos and pointed her wand at them in self-defense. That seemed to confuse some and humor others.

Damn, they're muggles.

She wanted to obey the Statue of Secrecy, to put her wand down and even try to barter and deescalate the situation, but she understood- by the look in their eyes- this was life or death right now. She had no time for frivolous Statues, so she held her wand at them with an even tighter grip.

With Lumos gone she was heavily shrouded by the shadows, the soldiers were far enough that their lanterns would not expose her too much. So she used that to her advantage, stepping deeper into the shadows.

They spoke to her in a foreign language that sounded Germanic but not quite. There goes my chance of negotiation... Unless she used a translation charm, though, due to the predicted length of use, her magical energy would drain and she wouldn't have enough strength left for a battle.

How did German muggles get to Wizarding Scotland? Or how could she even end up in a Germanic speaking area? Had she stepped into magical clearing that could instantly transport her to another country? If so, how? Was she inside a different pocket of time? Again, if so, how?

She stilled her body, eyes darting to keep an eye on all possible exits and opponents. The thought of apparating returned to her but she quickly noticed more people in the trees. And if they were in the goddamn trees, there could be more wherever she did manage to apparate.

She studied her opponent as the lack of auditory information made the visual her focus. They looked... kind of like soldiers, they definitely acted like them. There must be a war going on; that's why they're so hostile. She cursed herself for not being more up to date with muggle affairs. Ever since the war, the Wizarding World had practically consumed her... ever since I'd lost my parents more likely.

She mentally shook herself to focus and noticed most held swords, which was favorable due to her upper hand in far distance conflicts. However, some had shotguns at the ready as well.


The longer she stayed silent, the more aggressive they became; seemingly demanding her identity and reason for being there. Hermione deemed it an understandable response. They had not shot her down already, which meant they weren't out for blood, but out to protect themselves.

Knowing this, she decided to take a chance.

She whispered the translation spell for German as it was the closest from what she's heard.

She brought her wand down to her side, but was no less tense, "My name is Hermione Granger, I've gotten lost and this has all just been a big misunderstanding."

She waited a moment for a response before continuing, "Did you understand me?"

A hooded man stepped out of the shadows and more into the lantern-illuminated light. He was short, for a man of his age, and yet, he still managed to be taller than her.

Maybe my height could make me seem less of a threat to them?

But with the way the sea of people parted for him in respect and the wariness they had in response to her. She thought it was unlikely.

Now was not the time to respect their lack of height biases, Hermione.

"Aye, we understand you well enough," his eyes narrowed dangerously. Another hooded person popped out from behind with much less animosity and much more curiosity. From appearance alone, their gender wasn't apparent; they presented much more androgynous than any of the other soldiers she'd seen.

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