"That's good to hear, now go shower. We have somewhere to go."

You furrowed your brows, We? "May I ask where?"

"Just out, I'll be treating you today."

You coughed at that sentence, "You wanna take me out?"

She smiled, "Pretty much. I know you feel weird around me so I might've not gained your trust."


She drove to a diner, a really expensive one at that

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She drove to a diner, a really expensive one at that. You could hear your pockets crying and throwing up just by looking at it. She held the door for you to walk in first then she after you. The inside was huge, many people were there. "I guess everyone has brunch here," you commented.

"That's right," Yelena said, "This is the best place to go to."

A woman in a baby blue top and navy blue skirt walks up to the two of you. She had a beautiful smile on her face as she spoke so politely. "Are you Yelena?" She asked. She held a notepad under her arm, placing a pen behind her ear.

"Yes that's me," Yelena replied.

"Great," the woman exclaimed. "I'm Nala and I'll be your server today. You'll be sitting over at table number sixteen." You both followed behind her as she led you to the table.

I gotta get her number before I leave.

She handed you the menus and utensils before stepping away for a few minutes. You opened the menu and began looking for something good to eat. "You think the strawberry crepes are good?" You asked, looking up at Yelena.

"Dunno, they should be," she replied. She put her hair into a low ponytail as she looked at the variety of food on the menu. "Wanna get it? We can both try it."

"Hmm, that doesn't sound too bad." You looked at the menu some more for another dish and something to drink as well. Once the server came back, she took your order. Does she like women? Let's test her. You watched her while she wrote down in the notepad. She glanced at you and smiled. "You're gorgeous," you spoke.

She smiled, "T-Thank you. You're also gorgeous."

You hummed, resting your head on your hand. "He must be lucky...your boyfriend." Judging her reaction you got the answer you were looking for. But you still needed it to be confirmed.

She chuckled, placing the pen behind her ear. "She is very lucky," She smiled, just at the thought of whoever she was talking about.

Fuck...she's taken. Y/N you played yourself.

"Ah, my apologies for assuming." You wanted to smack yourself.

"No worries, it's okay to assume that," she chuckled. Your heart aches at the thought of her being with someone that isn't you. "Oh I need to take your order to the chef." You watched as she walked away, trying so hard not to sigh since Yelena was there.

Crimson - Yelena x Fem ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant