It's the shittest plan ever...

This T.V show is the result of said shit plan.

You assume you know everything about Anakin Skywalker, but you are wrong, and this is going to show you just how little you know.

The show will pause every time someone makes a comment.

Time has stopped outside of this room.

You won't be released from this room until you watch the trailer plus the 9 episodes.


Yours Sincerely,

The person who has locked you into this room!"

"What the kriff is that supposed to mean?" Anakin questions jumping up, but Padme grabbed her hand and pulled her down to sit back next to her.

"Deeply concerning, it is. Watch the show, we must. Foreseen this, the force has," Yoda bows his head.

"What does it mean 'you assume you know everything about Anakin Skywalker?" Ahsoka asked, mocking Obi-Wan's accent. He shot her an unimpressed look.

"But what are we doing here?" Rex and Cody asked.

"Same with Padme and myself," Bail added.

"You must be related to the show somehow?" Plo Koon ponders.

"Well, I say we begin," Kit Fisto states.

Everyone nods as Obi-Wan turns the Holo-T.V. on and sits down as the video begins.

"This is apparently the trailer."

Anakin sifts uncomfortable, shuffling closer to Padme. Rex sitting next to Ahsoka saw and laughed silently into his hands at how oblivious everyone was at their obvious relationship.

Happy music plays as the screen opens to a house, in black and white.


"Why is it black and white?" Cody asks.

"Hmmm," Master Yoda hums. "Styled this Holo-T.V is, from when I was younger. Some 500 years ago. Called the 50's, this time period was." Yoda nods his head.

"That old?" Padme asks.

"Hmm... indeed. Everyone 100 years, a new time period, there is. 400 years ago, the 60's they were, excreta."

"So, what's a single gal like you doing rattling around this big house," Agnes says. She walks before Anakin. Anakin tilts her head looking confused.

"Pffft," Ahsoka laughs as she turns to face Anakin. "What are you wearing and your hair! What are you doing here!"

"I... ah don't know" Anakin replies looking at her onscreen self in confusion.

"The note did say that Skywalker is important to this show," Plo Koon says.

Anakin and someone's hands are shown being held out as Anakin taps them. Rings appear on both of their ring fingers.

"Who is the other women?" Rex asks knowing full well who the other woman is.

"I didn't think the force can spontaneously create objects?" Obi-Wan asks his fellow council members.

"It doesn't," Windu replies glancing at Anakin, who blushed and turned away with embarrassment.

Padme looks down to her ring finger and holds it. Anakin and Padme couldn't have wedding rings at their proper wedding 3 years ago so why in this show?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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