Chapter 7

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Civil War

Being with Natasha was the best thing ever. Bucky felt joyful with her. They would spend hours talking and relaxing together, both at peace. Their relationship seemed so perfect-until civil war. Their rocky road began there.

Since Natasha was on team iron man and Bucky was obviously on Steve's side, they had to battle each other.

Before the battle at the airport

"Nat... do you really think Tony is right?" Bucky asked Natasha, who was leaning on his shoulder. She looked up at him, realising he had addressed the elephant in the room. She stopped playing with his hair and sat up straight.

"Well," Natasha replied, "I didn't really want to pick a side, but it looks like that's what we're doing, so I'm just going to go with it."

Bucky said, "I'm serious, Nat."

Natasha sighed and explained, "I don't know, Bucky. I kind of agree with Tony but he's going about it in a... weird way."

Bucky nodded and gently kissed Natasha, then left to shower. Natasha looked at her fingers and began contemplating her choices of sides.

Airport battle

Wanda was about to use her powers on Natasha when Bucky punched her from behind, which left Natasha in shock.

"You didn't have to do that, you know," Natasha laughed while pinning Clint down and kipping up. Bucky smiled and winked at her.

"Sorry Wanda," Bucky said as he walked away, "But my bae is more important than this fight!"

Natasha blushed and went on to fight the others.

During the battle
Tony and Steve gathered everybody.

"So, the thing is," Steve and Tony announced, "It has come to our attention that Natasha and Bucky's relationship is interfering with the battle."

Natasha and Bucky made eye contact, then shot daggers at Wanda, thinking of what a snitch she was.

"Nat," Steve said, "Just-maybe-stay away from Bucky until this is over."

Natasha frowned and scoffed, "You really expect me to put a hold on my relationship for this kiddy fight?"

Bucky shook his head, gesturing to Natasha that it was okay, and not to fight back. Natasha ignored him and continued.

"What do you expect me to do? Our rooms are literally next to each other!" Natasha shouted. Bucky cupped his face in his hands and groaned.

Steve sighed, "Please just-don't help each other."

Rolling her eyes, Natasha nodded and stormed off.

"Great job, Rogers," Tony sarcastically commented.

After the battle

"Nat," Bucky said, staring at Natasha, who looked like a such a beauty even though she was furious.

"Hmm?" She responded, not turning to look at Bucky.

Bucky replied, "Don't be mad at Steve or Tony. You're right, it's a kiddy fight, but just don't piss them off. I don't want you getting hurt."

Natasha glared at Bucky, flames rising in her eyes. "You think I can't protect myself?"

Bucky immediately denied, "No-I didn't mean that- I-I just... I have a protective side. I'm sorry."

Walking out of the room, Natasha felt a tear roll down her cheeks. Why did it feel like the world was against her? Even her boyfriend. She went into her room, locked the door and slid down the wall, crying her heart out in silence. She occasionally whimpered, but she did not want anybody to hear her.

Eventually, they worked things out by talking about it, and talked to Steve and Tony, saying they would not be taking sides. Life went back to normal-well, as normal as can be when you're an avenger.

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