Chapter 6

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"Natalia, promise me something," Bucky said in a serious and solemn tone, "You will make it out alive."

Natasha looked at her fiancée and smiled. They were sitting near the glass window in the avengers campus. It was raining and the faint sound of raindrops hitting the ground was ringing in their ears. She put her hand on his cheek.

"Of course, Bucky. You have to promise me the same thing too," replied Natasha.

Bucky nodded and said, "I promise."

He took Natasha's pale right hand and kissed it softly, making her giggle. They really brought out the best in each other.

Natasha smirked, "Call me Natalia again."

"Natalia, I can't wait for our wedding," Bucky smiled.

Natasha grinned and hugged Bucky. They were wrapped in a tight embrace, both not wanting to let go. Natasha was the first person that made Bucky ever want a real relationship. Their relationship grew so much from age of Ultron (more on the relationship growth later). From enemies to casual dating, casual dating to commitment and then to engagement. They had already set a date for their wedding. They were both looking forward to it.


Bucky and Natasha stood side by side, both facing the terror in front of them. They held each other's hands tightly and exchanged looks. Bucky squeezed Natasha's hand, making it acknowledged that he was afraid. She looked at him, then planted a kiss on his cheek.

He calmed down and took in a deep breath, then whispered in Natasha's ear, "I love you, Natalia Alianova Romanova."

If this had not been such a fearsome and fierce battle, she would have kissed him passionately. Instead, she smiled brightly and replied, "I love you too, James Buchanan Barnes."

They fought against their enemies, but soon, Thanos won and snapped away half of the population. Bucky included. Natasha saw people fading away, and she ran to Bucky. Bucky gulped and felt himself fading away.

"Bucky! No! It can't-You can't!" Natasha cried out to Bucky, who was turning to dust.

"Keep the promise," Bucky said as he faded away. Natasha screamed and fell to the ground, emotions drowning her. Her heart shattered into a million pieces. The only man she could love. Gone. She felt her eyes well up with tears as she screamed again.

"Bucky! No!" She screamed in agony. She was being plunged into the depths of despair. She cried waterfalls as she lost consciousness.

Natasha separated her eyelids as she saw Tony, Steve and the others surrounding her. She felt like she was resting on a bed. She scanned the room and realised she was at the Avengers compound. She moved her head a little, and then she remembered what had happened. Her fiancée was gone. A tear trickled down her cheek and she shook her head, not wanting to believe it.

"Nat, you've been out for 3 days," said Bruce.

Natasha shook her head and screamed, "No, I want Bucky! Where is Bucky?"

"Bucky is no longer here," answered Steve. He, too, had lost people he loved. Bucky was his best friend.

"No. Bucky-Bucky has to be here. He promised! No!" Natasha cried.

Brie commented, "You should rest."

Natasha gulped and replied, "I can't! I can't without Bucky!"

It was the first time Natasha ever showed this much weakness and sadness.

"You see, Steve? We lost! She lost, I lost, we lost!" Tony lost control and shouted.
(Changed this scene a little)

Darkness enveloped Natasha as she blocked away Tony and Steve's shouting. She could not stop the tears from flowing out of her eyes. The only man she ever loved and the only man she would ever love was gone.

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