Chapter 17: Panic Attacks and Party Games

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 When I woke up, the sun had traveled across the sky. Judging by where it was, we had been up there for a few hours. Loud voices were coming from the window that was close to our hiding place.

"Where are they?"

"We looked everywhere!"

"Aizawa is so upset!"

"Where did they go?"

"I have been trying to call both of them! Neither answered!"

"I don't like this! Aizawa is scaring me!"

"I texted them, and they haven't replied!"

"Do you think that they got kidnapped?"

I gently shook Bakugo awake, "I think that we are in serious trouble."

He looked around in confusion, his eyes still blurry from sleep, "Why? What is going on? Are villains attacking?"

I shook my head, "We fell asleep. Now everyone is freaking out. We need to hurry and calm them down! It sounds like they called Aizawa!" I pulled out my phone and turned it on. I had missed ten calls from Momo, twenty calls from Aizawa, and over a hundred texts from the class. I sat down and pulled Bakugo back into the shadow, "On second thought, let's stay here."

"Why?" I showed him all of the messages. "Yeah, let's just text the group chat and wait until they calm down to go and face them."

I nodded and opened up the group chat.

LittleMissAngel: Hey guys. Sorry about that. Bakugo and I fell asleep in our hiding spot.

RoundFace: Isobel! Are you okay?

Tsu: Where are you?

Icy-Hot: Are you alright?

Sonic: That is not cool! You scared us!

AlienQueen: Aizawa is going to kill you!

Creati: We were so worried about you!

Ears: Come out from wherever you are! Please!

LordExplosionMurder: We will come out when you guys calm down, you damn extras!

LittleMissAngel: Be nice, Bakugo.

LordExplosionMurder: You can't make me!

LittleMissAngel: Yes, I can.

LordExplosionMurder: Sorry for that.

LittleMissAngel: You fucker better give me my phone back!

LordExplosionMurder: Hey, don't ruin my account!

RoundFace: Aren't you hiding together? Why are you yelling in the chat?

LittleMissAngel: Because if we fucking yelled in real life, you could fucking hear us!

LordExplosionMurder: Finally, I have my fucking phone back!

A shadow fell over us. I looked up hesitantly to see a furious Aizawa standing over us. If looks could kill, Bakugo and I would be dead ten times over. "DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED YOU MADE ME? YOUR CLASSMATES CALLED AND SAID THAT WHILE PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK, THEY HAD LOST YOU! WHY DID YOU NOT ANSWER WHEN WE CALLED AND TEXTED?" His eyes fell on Bakugo, "YOU BETTER HAVE NOT DONE ANYTHING TO MY DAUGHTER!"

Sweat dripped down the back of my neck as my heart began to speed up. My lungs clenched. My vision began to swim, so I closed my eyes. My father was towering over me, yelling about something that I had done wrong. I don't even remember what exactly he had been saying, but he was still yelling at me. 

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