Chapter 3

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After a while of walking, Bibi spotted Sandy standing alongside Leon and Nita outside of Tara's Bazaar. She sighed. Of course. Sandy always hung out with Leon and Nita, he was practically their third sibling. This would make her whole lure-Sandy-to-a-remote-area-so-she-could-fight-him plan a bit harder to execute, but she rubbed it off. Surely Bibi would find a way around it, with the current stakes at hand.

Nita appeared to have made a joke, because she could hear the trio snickering even from a block away. Sandy was covering his mouth with his shaking hands, his eyes crinkled, while Leon had doubled-over, wheezing with laughter.

As she neared the group, it seemed that Leon had caught sight of her. He froze, his gaze quickly switching from her's to Sandy's. He then gently nudged Sandy, who also looked Bibi's way. Bibi could've sworn that she noticed a faint hue of red dust Sandy's cheeks, like he was blushing, though she could've just been imagining it. Bibi didn't know what look she had on her face at that moment, but it must have been a clear giveaway of her feelings towards Sandy, as Leon winked at her and then gestured to Sandy, as if he knew what was going on.

Sandy looked adorable. His purple hair framed his face under the pink and purple silks he wore over his head. As she neared him further, he smiled and waved at her, under his eyes large black bags. Nita's head peeked over him as she stood on her toes, her eyes glazed in interest.

Before Bibi could say something, Leon spoke up.

"Hey, Sandy?" Leon slyly grinned, "I think Nita and I are going to hang out at the Junker Garage today, if that's fine."

Sandy's smile dissipated. "What?" He mumbled, his focus shifting off of Bibi. "Weren't we going to play Brawl Ball? Just the three of us?"

"Yeah!!!!" Nita added, frowning. She pulled on the sleeve of Leon's jacket, and started bonking him multiple times on the head. Leon seemed unfazed. "Let's brawl!"

In fact, Leon's expression softened as he looked at Sandy. "Sorry. But I just remembered that Jessie might want some company while fixing Scrappy after that Hot Zone match yesterday. No hard feelings." He gave Sandy a pat on the head. He paused for a moment, looking at Bibi, "And it seems you might have other plans."

Sandy stayed silent for a moment, a bit disappointed and still trying to wrap his head around Leon's second comment about having plans, before he yawned. "I guess that's fine. Feel free to come over to my house, afterward, though. Dad's hosting a movie night." He forced a smile, "You two have fun, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'll see you at Gene's." Leon nodded and took Nita's reluctant hand, rushing away from Sandy and Bibi. Before he vanished out of sight, he gave Bibi a thumbs-up to reassure her. They could still hear Nita protesting from a couple of blocks away.

Bibi was speechless for a moment, taking in all that had happened. What did Leon have up his sleeve? It was like he was setting the two of them up. Bibi raised a hand to her cheek and she felt it burn. Had she been blushing the entire time? Well, that probably gave it away. Sandy snapped her out of her train of thought.

"Hey, Bibi." He chirped, "What's up? I usually don't see you around here."

"Uhm . . . uh . . ." Bibi had butterflies in her stomach. Everything she was thinking of saying came out garbled and all over the place. She gulped.

"Are you okay?" Sandy's eyes widened in concern, staring at her in an attempt to figure out what was wrong with her. "You're trembling, and your cheeks look like they were fried on hotpots."

"I'm totally fine!" She screamed, making Sandy jump. She slapped herself in the face and he froze in his tracks, startled. Just as he was about to check her temperature, Bibi crossed her arms and closed her eyes, preparing herself for maybe-imminent-doom. "I"m here . . ." She let out a breath, trying to ease herself. "To ask you out on a date."

Vexed || A Bibi x Sandy Story ♡Where stories live. Discover now