Chapter 2

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"Hey, Bibi, wait up!" Crow called after her, holding out his hand in her direction. But she was already gone. She could hear him sigh.

Bibi was fuming. She thought that Bull and Crow, her friends, would take her seriously. But no. They thought that she'd fallen for Sandy - Sandy, of all people! A small pink twerp who didn't know how to blow his nose, much less stay awake. Bibi huffed. Perhaps he'd cast a spell on the two of them as well! Indeed, Bull and Crow had never asked her about her feelings about other brawlers, unless they were ones that she clearly despised. Hell if she knew, they were the only people who she really cared about.

This entire thing was so stupid.

Bibi entered her room, closing the door with a loud shut. She crumpled against it, falling to her knees. For the love of Mr. Bat, what was she going to do?

And then, it suddenly dawned upon Bibi. A solution. A compromise!

Y'see, her main goal was to convince Sandy into undoing this spell he cast on her. How could she do this? Easy. Force him into submission. Intimidate him. Bibi wrote out an elaborate plan in her Scrappy-themed notebook, and it went as follows: Bibi would lure Sandy into an empty, desolate, or abandoned location, lulling him into a false sense of security. Then, she'd corner him and confront him about the spell. If he refuses to, she'd fight him. Bibi knew that she could surely beat him in a one-on-one fight with her high damage output.

Although there were certain flaws in her plan. How would she lure Sandy there? Wouldn't they be noticed by others?

Ask him out. Bull's words resounded in her head. Her heart fluttered. She suddenly imagined walking beside Sandy, holding his hand, staring longingly at his adorable fa-

Bibi abruptly slapped herself with both hands. What was she thinking?! The date was only a distraction, an act at best. She needn't think about the specifics of it. Everything would pan out just fine. She imagined her ideal scenario in her head again and again, until it appeared vivid enough for her to remember it.

She'd walk down the street to Gene's Lamporium and pretend to not be expecting Sandy to be there at all. She would then force him to go on a date against his will, and threaten to turn him into a knuckle sandwich unless he undid the spell that he cast on her. And then he would, cowering in fear, and Bibi would walk free.

Something about the plan made Bibi feel disappointed, but she shrugged the feeling off. This spell - whatever it was - had been clawing at her sanity for long enough. She was ready to break it.

The next day, Bibi made her way out of bed, determined. She sped out of her room wearing her Mr. Bat t-shirt and shorts. Not bothering to spare anyone a glance, she shoveled down her breakfast, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She noticed that Crow wasn't at the house when Bull suddenly sat beside her.

"Morning," She mumbled, though her thoughts were elsewhere.

Bull craned his head towards her in response. He didn't waste any time.

"So . . ." He began, tentatively. "What are you going to do about the whole . . . Uh . . ." He was nervous to bring Sandy up, considering her reaction to his name the night before.

"Sandy?" Bibi cut him off, unfazed. There was a strange fire in her eyes. Bull flinched as if he didn't expect her to respond to him. "Easy. I'm taking your advice." Bibi winked at him. Bull looked bewildered.

"You're going to ask him out?"

Bibi impishly grinned, as if to say You have no idea. "Yup."

Bull sighed, not seeming to catch on. "Phew! Well that's a relief. I'm sure it'll be great, Bibi." He gave her an encouraging smile.

Bibi nodded, and then rushed back to her room after finishing her sandwich. She put on her signature pink crop top with a black lining on the top, purple leather jacket, black jeans, and metallic boots. She didn't understand why she was so giddy, why she kept running fingers through her hair to make sure it wasn't unkempt, how she smoothed out her clothes after she wore them and stared at herself in the mirror afterward as if to spot any imperfections. She decided that it was for the sake of Sandy following her to the remote area where she intended to take him. Why else would she care so much about her appearance? It wasn't like she was trying to look good in front of him or anything. She couldn't care less about what she thought of him.

It took her about an hour to gather her things and leave. She'd spent a while fluffing her hair and gelling it in its usual style, she'd even facetimed Edgar so he could teach her how to put on her eyeliner spotlessly. She made a mental note to thank him later.

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