Chapter 9 - 16 YEARS LATER

Začít od začátku

"You must come visit us, and call us whenever you can, work hard at school, okay?" He looked like he wanted to cry again.

"Yes, yes, of course I will." We let go from our hug and I looked at my other dad standing behind me. He pulled me in for a hug. 

"Work hard, don't get too drunk, and don't do anything too stupid, but have some fun, these are some good years of your life ahead of you. Friends are important too, and no girlfriends of boyfriends!" 


"I love you." 

"Mm, love you too." 

I pulled away as it was time to go, and waited for Ploy to say her goodbyes to her parents. Before we got in the car, we made sure we had all our stuff in the car and waved goodbye as our parents blew kisses at us and we blew them back. 

We got into the car and smiled at each other, and drove out of our little village. 

"I didn't sleep a wink, did you?" Ploy asked.

"Of course I didn't. But now that we've done it, it was a lot better than I had thought it would've gone." 

"Same here. But I think we've only gotten through the easy part." 

"Oh. Ahhh why would you remind me?" Ploy giggled along with me. 

"Do you think you'll find a boyfriend within the first year?" At the moment only Ploy knows I like men. I mean I could've told my parents as I know for a fact they would accept it. Well it's obvious they would accept it they're literally gay, haha. But now wasn't the right time, but when I visit I will. Ploy has already been telling me to tell them. 

"Do you think you'll find someone?" I asked. 

"Haha, no. I don't like people that much. I know you will though." 

I scoffed. 


Back at home, Phupha was trying to hug Tian..

"I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?" 


"Are you going to stay mad at me forever then?" 

"I'll just find another man." Tian said, trying to open the front door, but Phupha grabbed him. 

"You won't dream of that after I do this." Phupha grinned, before kissing Tian in every place possible. 

"Fine! Fine! I was only going out to the shops, jeez! Do you need anything?" Phupha let go of Tian. 

"I need you." Phupha bit his lip. 

"Then I'm going out now." 

"No!! Come on, when was the last time we had fun?" 

Tian thought to himself for a minute, knowing he would only ever give in to his husband. 



After a long journey to Bangkok, the two friends split ways to find their dorm rooms. They lived very close to each other, which they made sure of as it's nice to have a friend living close by, and Ploy is only 16 so it's good if Wat's with her. 

It took a while to get their stuff all up to their rooms, but unpacking would be even harder. 

Good thing they took an extra week here to do that. 

Wat stared at all the suitcases and boxes he had placed in front of him. There's no point looking at it, it'll only waste time, he thought to himself. But I guess time will have to be wasted as he heard a knock at his door. 

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