~|Chapter 55|~ What The Fuck?

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3rd Person POV 

That night, Jaxon and Willow walked hand in hand back to the house. Not a word was muttered after leaving the beach, the feeling of each other's warmth was enough to convey what they were both feeling. The only time their hands separated was when they both departed to their own rooms, even then not a work spoken. Only a smile, a true genuine smile, was held on their faces as their hands left the comfortable warmth and they headed to their rooms.

A day to remember, truly

Willow was already thinking about the keyboard smashes, yelling in all caps, and literal screaming they were planning on doing when telling Niki about her eventful night.

While the first thing that Jaxon did when entering his temporary room, which he was now wishing was not so temporary, was text Toby about the best night of his life. And maybe a few other people would find out too..

Willow POV

What the fuck?

It's all I can think about. 

Jaxon Belview

I just kissed him. I kissed Ranboo. Holy shit.

"AH-" I scream, suddenly noticing the figure in my room "JESUS FUCK, CLAY, I DIDN'T SEE YOU"

"Hey, Willow" He says sternly

"Haha, hey Clay, bestie, brother o' mine. How ya, how ya doin?" I ask nervously 

George bursts out of my closet

"Well look who finally came out the closet.." I mumble

He rolls his eyes "Well? Did our plan work?" 

"Clay was in on your plan to get me and Jaxon together? Didn't expect him to be too ecstatic about this"

"No, him and Sap explained it to me after I was rushed to leave the beach" He says slightly angry

"Welllll, it was nice of you to visit my room. As you can see, I wasn't so lucky at missing the rainfall so I should take a shower"

"AT TA TA, NO, WE NEED TO HAVE A TALK" Clay says, standing up from my bed

"Oh this'll be fun.." I say under my breath, sarcastically 

"Are y'all dating, now?" 

"I have no fucking clue, I have no idea how any of this works to be honest. You forget that I'm still getting over the fact that we fucking kissed" I answer honestly

"Hmmmm" He looks to the ground

"Am I about to be murdered?" I whisper to George

"I have no clue" He whispers back

"Look, Willow." He says sternly "It's kinda weird that you're dating one of my friends, but, I know you're happy around him. He's a good kid, but if he's good enough for you is to be determined. If anything bad happens between you two, I won't hesitate to kick him"

"Gotcha" I say, nervous by his threats and too scared to ask if you meant kick him off the smp or just kick him in general

"And no funny business, you know what I mean" 

"For fucks sake, Clay. You know that's not gonna happen. You're acting like dad" I say, disgusted by what he was implying

He he starts to walk out my room, and before closing the door says "I don't wanna walk into your room and see you two making out or anything"

"CLAY" I yell

"Alright, alright I'm done. I am lowkey happy for you though, Will"

"Thanks, Clay" I smile as he leaves the room

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