A bludger to the head

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Azalea knew what she wanted to do in this life. For some reason she could not explain seeing as she never truly felt this need in her past lives she wanted to have a bunch load of kids. She would pull a Mrs Weasley, reason? Unknown.

She always wanted a family but due to her fear or taking their death to hard she stopped herself. She didn't want to have to live through fear. She didn't want to be a coward and in this life she would over come her over whelming fear. This life was going to be important for her, because this life marked the time she had decided to have a family. She wanted to burst into tears at the thought of mini hers running around the house. Oh imagine if she had twins! The happiness she felt from this was concerning.

Now the real problem.

Falling in love.

She didn't really have much experience with falling in love. She had married a few times but it never truly felt right. She tried she really truly tried but it was as if their was a certain spark missing. A hole in her heart. She never understood it but it could be because none of her partners truly put themselves fully into it. They had terrible commitment issues.

Azalea was the type of person to either fall in love body and soul. When she loved she loved with her all. That was the problem in some of her lives. Some people weren't ready to live with their all like she was. She never pushed it though. For if you had loved with your all you too would understand you would rather them be happy with another then miserable with you. For their happiness means everything for you, even if it's without you.


Cygnus Black had taken to following Azalea Peverell in school. It was quite creepy in all honesty and a tiny tiny bit cute. She could tell he was jus trying ti find ways to speak to her by the way she would see him walking up to talk to her whispering things about to reach her before hesitating and running away in an orderly fashion.

Cygnus had good intentions but he wasn't a Gryffindor. He didn't have their bravery. He was a Slytherin for a reason.

He didn't rush head first into things he came up with strategic plans to achieve it in a way that made it look as if he didn't really try making people look at him as if he was walking perfection personified into a form.

He was used to girls falling over their own few to talk to him. Not to sounded narcissistic but Cygnus Black was a catch. He didn't chase people, people chased him.

Yet that wasn't the case with Azalea Peverell.

She just seemed as if seeing Cygnus stutter in-front of her was as normal as the sun waking you up in the morning. He assumed to her it was. With her status, looks, bloodline and knowledge she was the perfect pure blood. Quite frankly the only reason why no one had asked her out was because of the fan club they had accumulated.


It had seemed the way Azalea and Cygnus had met became well known and well loved amongst the female teenage population, resulting in the club name Bleverell.

Now don't get him wrong he loved it.

He was their biggest supporter, and share holder. They created shirts, dresses and mugs. Quite frankly they had made it into a company of sorts. Ahhh the powers of a teenage fangirl. At some point he will admit it became quite scary when he had sent spy's to listen to their conversations.

The were to put it frankly obsessed.

They had a betting pull on child names and he was very much aware of the fact that they had started making books about them. Fan fiction as they called it. He did not have a hidden stash in his trunk.....he didn't!

His parents were very proud.

Not only was her making an investment and gaining bank but he was also quietly putting it out their that he did wish to court her making everyone who didn't want the rath the Black's back off.

Of course their were idiots.

After all every litter had a runt of the pack.

Darls Greengrass was that runt.

He had went to ask her out in front of everyone during a Quidditch game none the less! She would been pressured to say yes. As he was flying in mid air during half game holding the commentators mic well let's say it didn't end well.

"Azalea Peverell! Would you do-"

Before he could get another word out of his annoyingly big mouth a bludger went flying straight into the side of his head sending him flying into the stands.

Following the line of sight they could see Cygnus Black holding a bat. Cygnus put an innocent look on his face before promptly shoving the bat into the other beaters hands.

It was extremely quiet the only sounds being the teachers and some older prefects fussing over a groaning Darls Greengrass whilst levitating him to the hospital wing, and the squeals of majority of the female population at least those in the club.


Well. That didn't go as planned.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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