Day #3

3 1 0

I'm not a slut, saying that upfront
man I'm
really trying so hard at this point
even wearing
not revealing...but more tight things to accentuate my figure

i talk more to him
i try so hard to be obvious but
man what if he thinks i just like him for the looks
i don't know
muscles? strength? i mean sure he's really hot

but man even just the thought of
holding his hand
holding him in general
telling him how lovely he is
just makes me so happy
i think alot about him
i doodle him alot when I'm in class

god i sound so creepy
i swear I'm not
i just
man i like this guy alot
I've had other guys
but he's
he makes happy

he's special
to me at least
even if i look stupid with what I'm trying to do
i mean I'm not like
moving my ass Infront of him or something

I'm just
i don't know i
just talk to him
I want him to look at me
and be happy
i want to see him smile
by making him happy

i just want this relationship to happen, i know it won't happen but still
i just
if it would be real
I'd never let him go
oh well
I'm gonna stop writing for now

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