Day #2

2 1 0

I got bullied again today
because i brought the
coach/teacher some lunch
and well
I'm starting to think they're right
sure I'm gay, i knew that
that's not what i mean

to be honest
I've been denying it
of course i won't say it, i mean I'm a student, i don't wanna seem like "hey I'll fuck you for extra credit"
i just

he's sweet
he's nice even if he seems cold
he's really not that bad
sure his tasks are really exhausting, people pass out alot
at least in my case he just
tells me to be more careful

giving me tips on how to breathe differently so i don't feel so exhausted
he does care, that's my point
of course not only for me
I'm not special

i mean teachers are supposed to respect you and care about your problems and stand behind you
so I'm just
hoping whenever he tells me to go slow or drink some water
i mean yeah i sometimes present and he tells me after class that i did a good job

coming to terms with liking someone you'll never get a chance with is really sad.

another diary after i diedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя